[Ica-osgeo-labs] OpenGIS Webinar series

maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it
Sat Sep 14 12:25:21 PDT 2013

Suchith, did you define a standard lenght for the webinar?
Rafael and I taught a webinar for GeoTech Center (Phillip Davis) some  
times ago and it is ready.
The title is "Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial  
Applications (FOSS4G): A mature alternative in the geospatial  
technologies arena" and it lasts one hour.

If Rafael agrees, we can do it again. We'll find suitable timing in December.

Def. Quota Suchith Anand <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>:

> Hi all,
> I have added  OpenGIS webinar series for the agenda of our meeting  
> on 20th Sep. According to Eduardo, the best available timings are as  
> follows
> September: 4, 13, 18
> October: all days, except 17, 23, 24
> November: all days, except 20
> December: all days, except 5
> Usually, the webinars are held on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, at  
> 2:00 PM GMT (UTC)
> I have spoken to Jeremy and he is happy to give the first webinar on  
> "OSGeo Live for Education" on October 18th at 14:00 UTC
> Now we need to plan the future schedule of the webinar program. I  
> have also had contact from colleagues in BGS who are doing amazing  
> work on OpenGeoScience portal  https://www.bgs.ac.uk/opengeoscience/  
>  So i will email them to invite them for giving BGS webinar in  
> November.
> So please add your seminar topic to the schedule and we will  
> finalise the program
> Oct 2013 - OSGeo Live for Education (University of Nottingham)
> Nov 2013 -  OpenGeoScience (British Geological Survey)
> Dec 2013
> Jan 2014
> Feb 2014
> Mar 2014
> April 2014
> All ideas/suggestions welcome
> Suchith
> ________________________________________
> From: ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org  
> [ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Suchith Anand  
> [Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 11:32 PM
> To: Eduardo Freitas
> Cc: Redação MundoGEO; ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org;  
> arletemeneguette at gmail.com
> Subject: Re: [Ica-osgeo-labs] Webinar Series
> Hi Eduardo,
> Thanks for the support and we will be happy to jointly run the  
> monthly webinar in English with MundoGeo.  The statistics of your  
> webinar program for Latin America is impressive and we will work  
> with you to broaden this for the benefit of the wider community.  
> Ideally, it will be good to plan the webinar timetable to run at the  
> same time every month (for example - First Wednesday of every month  
> at 14:00 UTC) for ease of planning ahead and also will get webinar  
> times it in everyone calendars in advance. I will discuss this with  
> all our lab colleagues will email you with the timetable (first  
> webinar aimed in October 2013).
> It will be good to plan to have a holistic webinar program  
> comprising of Open Source Geospatial software, Open Data and Open  
> Standards (OGC, ISO TC211) topics in addition to specific usecases  
> in GIS  using open source (in Transport, HealthGIS, AgriGIS etc) and  
> fundamental research (automated generalisation, geospatial semantics  
>  etc). I will discuss with all and put together a webinar program  
> and structure for next 6 months .
> I look forward to work with you on this.
> Suchith
> ________________________________________
> From: Eduardo Freitas [eduardo at mundogeo.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 4:19 PM
> To: Suchith Anand
> Cc: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org; arletemeneguette at gmail.com;  
> Redação MundoGEO
> Subject: Re: Webinar Series
> Hi Suchith
> Thanks for your kind words about the gvSIG webinar.
> On behalf of MundoGEO, I confirm that we are strongly interested in  
> running a webinar series together with you, in English.
> I would like to remind you that our webinars have very good numbers  
> in Latin/Ibero America (average per event: 1.500 registrants/800  
> attendees in Portuguese, 1.200 registrants/650 attendees in  
> Spanish), but in English we are starting now (the gvSIG webinar had  
> 587 registrants/265 attendees). We are going to promote the webinars  
> through our channels (web portal, magazine, social media, discussion  
> lists), but your support will be important to spread the information  
> worldwide.
> Let's think about the agenda for the next months. We have few dates  
> available for september (see below), but for october and beyond  
> there are more free dates.
> September: 4, 13, 18
> October: all days, except 17, 23, 24
> November: all days, except 20
> December: all days, except 5
> Usually, the webinars are held on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, at  
> 2:00 PM GMT (UTC)
> Rgds
> Eduardo Freitas
> Editor - MundoGEO
> Em 16/08/2013 06:38, Suchith Anand escreveu:
> Hi Eduardo,
> Thank you for excellent organisation of the gvSIG webinar on Monday.  
> I think  webinars are an excellent platform for the education  
> outreach activities of the ICA-OSGeo Labs and would like to explore  
> the possibility to joint running of a monthly webinar series with you.
> Within our team, we have an excellent spread of expertise that can  
> be used for this to cover various topics. Let me know your thoughts  
> on this and we can plan to put together a strong webinar series  
> which is open and free to all interested to join. The majority of  
> webinars will be in English  for maximum outreach globally.
> I look forward to hear from you.
> Suchith
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