[Ica-osgeo-labs] ica-osgeo lab map update

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at ncsu.edu
Fri Sep 20 17:52:49 PDT 2013


just FYI, both our map (created by Vasek and Anna) and your maps are linked right above the Table on the wiki page

Vasek added a time slider on the top to see how the network evolves over time.

Now we just need the 9 labs that do not have the coordinates to add theirs and quite a few still need to add the links and we will be in a pretty good shape. I hope they are on this list and listening,

Thanks for the update, Helena

Helena Mitasova
Associate Professor
Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
2800 Faucette Drive, Rm. 1125 Jordan Hall
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8208
hmitaso at ncsu.edu

"All electronic mail messages in connection with State business which are sent to or received by this account are subject to the NC Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.” 

On Sep 20, 2013, at 8:33 PM, Luca Delucchi wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I just register myself to this mailing list because I would help the
> ica-osgeo labs and osgeo-edu.
> I worked on ica-osgeo lab map during foss4g-cee in Bucarest in July
> and this morning I attended the educational BoF in Nottingham and I
> spoke with Suchith about the update of the map.
> So today I worked on it and now you could see the results:
> - you can find the updated map at this url [0] and find the source code here [1]
> - I updated all the coordinates in the wiki page [2], please fill the
> missing (use geographical coordinate longitude and latitude)
> - I create a Python script to update the geojson file used in the map,
> you can find the script in the tar.gz archive, it read the table of
> the wiki page and take information, as coordinates and name from it
> Now the page should improved with some text and move in another place,
> I have no problem to keep it on my server, but I think should be
> better to move it somewhere else.
> I also read the Helena is working on a map, please reuse what is
> necessary for your and keep in touch to improve the ica-osgeo lab map.
> I think for now should it's all, see you soon
> [0] http://lucadelu.org/ica-osgeo-lab/
> [1] http://lucadelu.org/ica-osgeo-lab.tar.gz
> [2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Edu_current_initiatives#2.29_Continue_to_expand_the_ICA-OSGeo_Network
> -- 
> ciao
> Luca
> http://gis.cri.fmach.it/delucchi/
> www.lucadelu.org
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