[Ica-osgeo-labs] [ica-opensource] OpenGIS examples in research and teaching for building Master "Geo for All" presentation

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Apr 28 23:27:03 PDT 2014

Hi Ant,

Very good point and thanks for bring this very important issue to our attention. 

For all ELOGeo submissions, there is clear guidelines on this to encourage reuse  http://elogeo.nottingham.ac.uk/ELOGeoGuidelines.pdf

Thanks very much for your great contributions to the community and we are looking forward to your advice and participation for our activities.


From: Ant Beck [a.r.beck at leeds.ac.uk]
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 8:12 PM
To: Suchith Anand; ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org; ica-opensource at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [ica-opensource] OpenGIS examples in research and teaching for building Master "Geo for All" presentation

Hi All,

Suchith: I note you haven't included licensing in your request. I suggest you do. I don't tend to use things that have no licence associated with them for fear that I may be in breach of something. Being clear on licensing should encourage re-use. This became quite important for the Open University presentation I gave a couple of months ago (see link below) which was web-casted and videoed (the video will be placed online at some point). As this was being made publically available the OU quite rightly insisted that all content in the presentation had to be legally above board (that means permissions requested and credit (CC-BY) given where necessary). Hence, licence clarity is important. #IDontAlwaysPracticeWhatIPreach ;-)


all cc-by - many open science some geo:

Data (multi-temporal)

All cc-by or ODC-BY:

includes, hyperspectral, full waveform lidar, aerial photographs, ground based sensor measurements

This includes a public postgres instance ( connection_string ="dbname='dart_public' user='dart_public_ro' host='dartportal.leeds.ac.uk' password=''")


Online data processing

Ipython notebooks cc-by


This uses the publically queryable Postgres database

I want to take this processing further and use GDAL to geo-enable and export the data. The point of this process is to show the power of python, NUMPY and SCIPY for doing matlab like data processing without having to touch a 'GIS'. The point is to develop open source workflow envirnments that can be chained and orchestrated in things like Taverna.

Blogs and presentations:

 *   Open University - Technology and data driven collaboration – archaeological practice in the 21st Century http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/per/?p=3080
    *   A video of this presentation given at the Science and Heritage conference (basically a justification for open science, open data) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on2gP2YwWoE
 *   OKF:
    *   2010:
       *   Dig the New Breed: How open approaches can empower archaeologists- Part I, http://blog.okfn.org/2010/06/10/dig-the-new-breed-how-open-approaches-can-empower-archaeologists-part-i/
       *   Dig the new breed, Part II – open archaeology and ethics, http://blog.okfn.org/2010/06/11/dig-the-new-breed-open-archaeology-and-ethics/
       *   Dig the new breed, Part III – wrapping it all up, http://blog.okfn.org/2010/06/11/dig-the-new-breed-part-iii-wrapping-it-all-up/
    *   2014:
       *   Building an archaeological project repository I: Open Science means Open Data, http://blog.okfn.org/2014/02/24/archaeological-repository-open-science-open-data/
       *   Building an archaeological project repository II: Where are the research data repositories? http://blog.okfn.org/2014/04/17/building-an-archaeological-project-repository-ii-where-are-the-research-data-repositories/
 *   Lots of DART project related stuff on slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/DARTProject

As an aside I'm starting to move to a CC0 (+BY) publication strategy for text (http://www.dancohen.org/2013/11/26/cc0-by/) and would aim for a similar for data (partners allowing).



On 22/04/14 16:27, Suchith Anand wrote:
Dear All,

We are now getting lot of invitations to present "Geo for All" initiative at all key Geospatial conferences/events, which is great news and clearly shows the growing importance of OpenGIS for the future of Geospatial research and education.

I thought, this will be a good time to build up a presentation highlighting key teaching and research done by all of us in OpenGIS. Could i request you to email me 1 or 2 slides of key research and education activities (ideally with some pictures) in your lab and we can use that to prepare a master presentation that any of us can use for any presentation needed. For example in the next month alone , i know Helena will be presenting at UCGIS conference  http://ucgis.org/event-item/preliminary-schedule   where there will be a panel and discussion on Open Geospatial Education , Jeremy is presenting at European Geosciences Union (EGU)  http://www.egu2014.eu/    conference at the OSGeo Townhall meeting, I will be presenting at Geospatial World Forum   http://www.geospatialworldforum.org/2014/  and later in May for Brazil NSDI meetings in Brasília  etc.

So whenever any of us in our network wants to present about “Geo for All” initiative  they have a set of slides giving good breadth of examples to choose from for their presentation and we can keep it updated. We can also invite other colleagues who are using OpenGIS for their teaching and research who are not joined our network yet to send examples of their work to build more collaborations. Thanks.

Best wishes,


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