[Ica-osgeo-labs] UNIGIS webinar on "Making Maps from OpenStreetMap Data", June 10, 17:00 (MEZ)

Stefan Keller sfkeller at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 00:20:42 PDT 2014

Now the video is available on UNIGIS youtube channel à
I updated also


2014-06-10 23:38 GMT+02:00 Stefan Keller <sfkeller at gmail.com>:

> 2014-06-10 21:36 GMT+02:00 Besfort Guri <besiguri at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Is this webinar recorded any link to watch?
> Yes, I think so. Somebody (UNIGIS or myself) will announce it here when
> it's ready.
> In the meantime I can offer you the webinar homepage with my slides:
> http://giswiki.hsr.ch/Webinar_Making_Maps_from_OpenStreetMap_Data
> Yours, Stefan Keller
> 2014-06-10 21:36 GMT+02:00 Besfort Guri <besiguri at gmail.com>:
> Is this webinar recorded any link to watch?
>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 4:41 PM, SERGIO ACOSTA Y LARA <
>> sergio.acostaylara at mtop.gub.uy> wrote:
>>> Great!
>>> ----- Mensaje original -----
>>> De: "Stefan Keller" <sfkeller at gmail.com>
>>> Para: "ica-osgeo-labs" <ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org>
>>> Enviados: Viernes, 30 de Mayo 2014 8:08:31
>>> Asunto: [Ica-osgeo-labs] UNIGIS webinar on "Making Maps from
>>> OpenStreetMap Data", June 10, 17:00 (MEZ)
>>> Dear ICA-OSGeo Labs Members
>>> I was invited to give a short online lecture as announced below.
>>> Prof. Stefan Keller
>>> ---
>>> Geometa Lab HSR: http://www.ifs.hsr.ch/Geometa-Lab.12520.0.html?&L=4
>>> Visit us also at GEOSummit 2014, Booth HSR Geometa Lab (C10), June 4./5.
>>> 2014, BernExpo Bern: www.geosummit.ch
>>> UNIGIS webinar on "Making Maps from OpenStreetMap Data", June 10, 17:00
>>> (MEZ)
>>> UNIGIS International regurarly provides webinars - so called u_Lectures
>>> (*). At June 10 17:00 MEZ Prof. Stefan Keller is speaking on "Making Maps
>>> from OpenStreetMap Data". Registration is now open:
>>> https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/179829006
>>> This presentation explains how to make a map with an own style given
>>> some amount of cartographic knowledge. The combination of freely accessible
>>> worldwide established OpenStreetMap (OSM) data and open source tools
>>> empower people to do their own cartographic visualization. A core element
>>> of this presentation is a handbook with selected software tools and
>>> programming scripts. First we go through the steps and tools needed to
>>> produce a basemap or a thematic map supported by a gallery of predefined
>>> styles. Then we look at related aspects of preprocessing like database
>>> (tag) homogenization and cartographic generalization.
>>> (*) u_Lectures are presented by invited speakers from academia, the GI
>>> industry, public administration, NGOs and other actors in the field of
>>> Geoinformatics and GIScience. Available primarily to UNIGIS alumni and
>>> active UNIGIS students, this online lecture series serves as a professional
>>> and academic 'updating' opportunity within a generic 'lifelong learning'
>>> framework. For general information on UNIGIS, visit
>>> http://www.unigis.net
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>> --
>> Regards
>> *Besfort Guri*
>> +377 44 49 88 91, +386 49 87 75 75
>> Blog: http://www.bguri.net
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