[Ica-osgeo-labs] "Open Geospatial Science & Applications" webinar series - speaker nominations

Lluís Vicens lluis at sigte.udg.es
Wed Mar 12 10:06:29 PDT 2014

On 07/03/14 21:06, Eduardo Freitas wrote:
> Hi Suchith
> Thanks for your kind words
> Lluis: please confirm the the date for the next webinar (OSM)

Here it goes an abstract about the webinar. If you need something more, 
please, let me know.

Best regards,

-------------------- abstract -------------------

OpenStreetMap is much more than a set of data. In this webinar, we would 
like to show a good portion of the possibilities that OSM offers.

The webinar doesn't consists of a full inventory of tools and 
techniques, but is intended to offer a first approach to the OSM 
universe. We want to put the basis, and to establish a starting point to 
explore all the possibilities by yourself.

We will see, first of all, what data can we download from OpenStreetMap 
and how it can be downloaded in a personalized way, employing 
customizable criteria. In addition to downloading, we'll look at other 
tools that add value to OSM: editors, importers to databases, 
geolocation services, image rendering, routing algorithms, etc.
-------------- next part --------------
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