[Ica-osgeo-labs] Fwd: [Ica-cet] Commission on Education and Training workshop Curitiba August 2015

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Wed Nov 12 02:29:22 PST 2014

Thanks David, Serena for this. This is definitely of interest.

I think this is also a really great opportunity for many of the members of ICA-OSGeo-ISPRS labs  to meet and contribute ideas for this workshop. It is really good it is happening in Curitiba as many of our colleagues in UFPR can also contribute ideas for this.

Best wishes,


From: ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Serena Coetzee
Sent: 12 November 2014 06:50
To: ICA-OSGeo Lab Network
Cc: Dr Fairbairn David
Subject: [Ica-osgeo-labs] Fwd: [Ica-cet] Commission on Education and Training workshop Curitiba August 2015

Dear all,

please see attached. The ICA Commissions on 'Maps & the Internet' and 'Education & Training' will hold a joint commission meeting in Brazil in 2015, before the main International Cartographic Conference. Attached is a call for presentations which may be of interest to you.
- Teaching about the Internet in Cartographic Education
- Using the Internet for Cartographic Education
- Educational material: content and delivery
- Educational overview

Serena Coetzee

Geography Building 3-5
Centre for Geoinformation Science, Department Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Hatfield, 0028, South Africa
email: serena.coetzee at up.ac.za<mailto:serena.coetzee at up.ac.za> Web: www.up.ac.za/cgis<http://www.up.ac.za/cgis>
Mobile: +27 82 464 4294 * Tel: +27 12 420 3823 * Fax: +27 12 420 6385

Begin forwarded message:

From: "David Fairbairn" <david.fairbairn at newcastle.ac.uk<mailto:david.fairbairn at newcastle.ac.uk>>
Subject: [Ica-cet] Commission on Education and Training workshop Curitiba August 2015
Date: October 30, 2014 at 6:52:18 PM GMT+2
To: <serenacoetzee at gmail.com<mailto:serenacoetzee at gmail.com>>, "ica-cet at lazarus.elte.hu<mailto:ica-cet at lazarus.elte.hu>" <ica-cet at lazarus.elte.hu<mailto:ica-cet at lazarus.elte.hu>>
Cc: "bin.jiang at hig.se<mailto:bin.jiang at hig.se>" <bin.jiang at hig.se<mailto:bin.jiang at hig.se>>, "patrick.kennelly at liu.edu<mailto:patrick.kennelly at liu.edu>" <patrick.kennelly at liu.edu<mailto:patrick.kennelly at liu.edu>>, "wakaba at tmu.ac.jp<mailto:wakaba at tmu.ac.jp>" <wakaba at tmu.ac.jp<mailto:wakaba at tmu.ac.jp>>

Dear Commission member

Please find attached the call for contributions and interest in our next Commission meeting in Curitiba, Brazil, prior to the main International Cartographic Conference in Rio, August 2015.  I look forward to welcoming you to Curitiba, and to receiving your ideas for your participation in the Commission meeting.

With best wishes


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