[Ica-osgeo-labs] the Open Inventory of Protected Areas in Ukraine

Daria Svidzinska d.svidzinska at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 05:57:38 PST 2014

Dear colleagues

we are seeking grant, consulting support and collaboration opportunities
for the project ‘the Open Inventory of Protected Areas in Ukraine’.

The project is  being jointly implemented by the Ukrainian academic groups
at universities and research institutions, NGOs and local OpenStreetMap
community.The aim of the project is to create an open inventory of
protected areas that will facilitate innovative conservation research,
protected areas management, monitoring, and development. We’ve already
started to collect and organize data, prepare a detailed project plan. In
order to sustain our efforts we need external financial support.

Any information and collaboration proposals regarding the following issues
would be greatly appreciated:

-          programs that are possible to provide grant support for such
kinds of activities (subjects are open geodata, protected areas,
participatory GIS etc)

-          contact persons regarding fundraising consultations

-          cooperation possibilities for joint research


Daria Svidzinska

PhD, Associate Professor

KNU OSGeo Research and Education Lab

Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology

Faculty of Geography

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine


e-mail: lab.osgeo at gmail.com

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lab.osgeo.ua
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