[Ica-osgeo-labs] Invitation to AGSE 2014

Dr. Franz-Josef Behr franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
Tue Oct 28 21:51:19 PDT 2014

Dear colleagues,

next week our University/our lab organizes its 7th alumni school and 
conference "AGSE 2014 - Continuing Geospatial Education" [1], this year 
in Stuttgart, including invited keynotes, presentations, and hands-on 
workshops. I am convinced that we could compile an interesting programme!

The event starts on Wednesday afternoon (with a preceeding workshop the 
two afternoons before) , and it is still possible to register.

Details can be found in the programme [2].

I ask you to circulate this announcement to interested epople.

The opening session will be streamed onlin through the German Alumni 
Portal Site [3].

Best regards


[1] http://www.applied-geoinformatics.org/agse2014.html
https://www.alumniportal-deutschland.org/en/webinars-events/webinars.html (the 
photo currently there is no really "geospatial")

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