[Ica-osgeo-labs] Idea: GeoForAll Sprint

Antoni P�rez Navarro aperezn at uoc.edu
Thu Aug 27 07:23:37 PDT 2015


what I was suggesting was making a GeoForAll Sprint as the activities in the GIS Day: every lab makes an activity. This way we can save the money for the displacements.
Nevertheless, I find a wonderful idea using also GIS Day to promote Geo4All.
Sorry for my misswritting.

Charles and people from Urban thematic group: congratulations!

Antoni Pérez Navarro 
Estudis d'Informàtica, Multimèdia i Telecomunicació [Responsable de les assignatures de Física i Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica] 
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya 
aperezn at uoc.edu 
Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia (edifici B3)
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5. 08860 Castelldefels

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--- Missatge original de Charles Schweik per a Jeff McKenna amb còpia a "ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org" enviat el 27.08.2015 15:02

Hi all,   +1 to the idea of education sprints -- although obviously travel costs will be an issue.    In fact, a quick update to the GeoForAll community, that relates directly to this 'sprint' idea:    I'm happy to report that the Urban Analytics Thematic led by Patrick Hogan and Chris Pettit and with the remarkable collaborative energies of others listed on this page [1] are days away from submitting a grant proposal to fund GeoForAll collaborative research and education activities around this theme. One of the proposed activities is to run collaborative 'writing sprints' co-located at the FOSS4G NA conferences (it had to be there and not global because of travel funding rules).  We felt that by having them co-located at an annual FOSS4G conference this will help increase the likelihood people can get to these sprints. Thanks to the Urban thematic group working on this effort over the last 7 months - it was a true global collaboration -- and we accomplished some of it in a 'grant sprint' at FOSS4G EU in Como! While we all know the competitive nature of these things, we -- as a thematic GeoForAll community -- put together a very good submission. We'll know in roughly 6 months.    More broadly: This idea of GeoForAll 'Thematic' groups [2], in my humble opinion, is hugely important for GeoForAll's future. It allows subsets of GeoForAll labs and members to focus collaboratively on something substantive. I see these as analogous to OSGeo projects where there are subteams working on software. So I hope the other existing thematic groups [2] will consider following this grant-getting or collaborative content development model. I also hope that new thematic areas will emerge organically in our community driven by 2, 3, 4 or more people who share a common interest and a passion in some area that relates to our broad open geographical science and education mission. We have one educational thematic listed already on [2] with a focus on Teacher Training and Schools [3] -- which is a great step forward.    Without forking too much, we might consider defining, at a finer collaborative scale, other educational-related thematics to guide these future writing sprints?    Cheers, Charlie   [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoForAll_UrbanScience_CityAnalytics [2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Geoforall_criteria#Thematics:_Subjects.2FLanguage [3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoForAll_TeacherTraining_SchoolEducation
On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'd like to pose an idea to the OSGeo-ICA-ISPRS community: a "GeoForAll Sprint" event.  The goal of the event would be to get the OSGeo, and ICA, and ISPRS communities together over a few days to work together on developing Open curriculum materials.  What do you think??

Those of you familiar with code sprints, know them as getting developers from around the world to work together, usually in a big room with good wifi, and working on OSGeo software projects.

Now, the GeoForAll Sprint would be a little different, as code may not be written for the OSGeo projects, but materials would be developed that could be used by the project communities, and educators.

If you choose to do this, there are already steps available if you want to request for funding to the OSGeo Board for a sprint (see the steps at http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Code_Sprint_Guidelines).

I wonder if someone in GeoForAll would like to take this on and champion it.  If so, it could be a great event for the 3 communities.


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Charlie Schweik

Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Dept of Environmental Conservation and Center for Public Policy and Administration
Personal website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik Publications: http://works.bepress.com/charles_schweik/
Author, Internet Success: A Study of Open Source Software (MIT Press, 2012) - see http://tinyurl.com/d3e4545   -------------------------------------------- Q: Why do I try my best to keep my emails to five sentences or less? A: http://five.sentenc.es
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