[Ica-osgeo-labs] FW: Saturn: Cassini/Huygens Anniversary Telecon Part 1 TUESDAY, SEPT. 1

Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX) patrick.hogan at nasa.gov
Thu Aug 27 16:55:00 PDT 2015

In the spirit of extra-planetary GeoForAll, here is an internationally accessible NASA presentation (see email below).

Has been on-station at Saturn for 11 years and shows what it possible when we work together as one planet (NASA<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA>/ ESA<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Space_Agency> / ASI<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Space_Agency>)

We can CHARM the deepest knowledge right into our collective orbit.


(650) 604-5656 (office)
(650) 269-2788 (cell)

From: museum3-bounces at rushmore.jpl.nasa.gov [mailto:museum3-bounces at rushmore.jpl.nasa.gov] On Behalf Of Sohus, Anita M (1853)
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 2:24 PM
To: museum-announce; museum3
Subject: [museum] Saturn: Cassini/Huygens Anniversary Telecon Part 1 TUESDAY, SEPT. 1

Cassini Project Science Office Presents: CHARM: Cassini-Huygens Analysis and Results from the Mission

Greetings all,

Our next CHARM telecon is scheduled for  Tuesday, September 1st at 11 AM PDT.  This is the second half of the annual CHARM anniversary telecon, in which we review science highlights of the past year from Cassini's various disciplines.

Join us to hear three of Cassini's scientists:
* Carly Howett of Southwest Research Institute and the Cassini CIRS team speaking about Saturn's Icy Satellites;
* Matt Tiscareno of the SETI Institute and the Cassini ISS team discussing Saturn's ring system; and
* Elizabeth (Zibi) Turtle of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab and the Cassini ISS team presenting about Saturn's largest moon, Titan .

All are welcome to attend!
Join the webcast (visual only; see below for audio) via WebEx at http://jpl.webex.com<http://jpl.webex.com/> meeting number 928-181-375
Join the audio via USA Toll-Free Number: 1-844-467-4685   (other toll-free and local numbers listed at end of this message)
Participant Passcode: 774-5379-727

Presentation slides are available for download from our password protected site for those who cannot access WebEx.

Jo Pitesky

USA Toll-Free Number: 1-844-467-4685   (other toll-free and local numbers listed at end of this message)
Participant Passcode: 774-5379-727

If this is your first time using WebEx, you're encouraged to log on a few minutes early so that the WebEx Add-On can be downloaded and start running on your computer.  Directions for using WebEx are as follows:

  1.  In a web browser, go to http://jpl.webex.com<http://jpl.webex.com/>
  2.  In the box below "Enter the meeting number to join"  enter the meeting number 928-181-375. Click on the green box labelled "Join"
  3.  WebEx will ask for your name and email.
  4.   If you have never used WebEx on your computer, you will see a screen saying "Cisco WebEx Add-On Required to Join Meetings".  Click on "Download and Agree" button
  5.  Download, open, and install the Add-On
  6.  You will automatically join the meeting
  7.  WebEx will give instructions for joining the audio teleconference.  Click OK. You will be accessing the audio conference via a separate line (see directions below)

The CHARM pdf's are located at:

The CHARM ppt's are located at:
  http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/doclib/CHARM/ - this is a NEW URL)
  This is a password protected site, here are the details (they are case
  Username: cassini
  Password: Doc$85

If you have any questions please feel free to contact
charm_leads_01 at cdsa.jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:charm_leads_01 at cdsa.jpl.nasa.gov>

To participate in a meet-me call from an international location, call the following numbers for the countries listed, and enter the participant passcode



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Jo Eliza Pitesky
jo.pitesky at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:jo.pitesky at jpl.nasa.gov>

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