[Ica-osgeo-labs] Website feedback

Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX) patrick.hogan at nasa.gov
Fri Aug 28 05:25:22 PDT 2015

There seems to be an extra "and" in the Reason 3

"a growing body of and collaborative educational material"

Should be,

"a growing body of collaborative educational material"

On Aug 28, 2015, at 5:07 AM, Charles Schweik <cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu<mailto:cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu>> wrote:

Hi Suchith, all:

Patrick Hogan made some helpful edits to the text I have on my lab's site (thanks Patrick!), and I then edited it a little more toward some possible useful language for the 'Why universities should join' text. I'm sure there are other points to be made, but its a start. The text is attached.

Suchith, not sure who is leading the update to the GeoForAll page on this topic...


On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com<mailto:jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>> wrote:
On twitter just now a community leader made a comment that our website (http://www.geoforall.org) doesn't clearly point out the benefits for a university.  We outline "How to Join" (http://www.geoforall.org/how_to_join/), but not really "Why to Join".

I thought this was a good point, and now that we all understand it more, it might be good to highlight this on the site.


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Charlie Schweik

Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Dept of Environmental Conservation and Center for Public Policy and Administration

Personal website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik
Publications: http://works.bepress.com/charles_schweik/

Author, Internet Success: A Study of Open Source Software (MIT Press, 2012) - see http://tinyurl.com/d3e4545

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<Why join GeoForAll.docx>
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