[Ica-osgeo-labs] Call for EGU 2016 short course - OSGeo-Live

Raffaele Albano raffaele.albano85 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 01:37:14 PST 2015

Dear all,
in the last weeks, it is emerging the possibility for OSGeo group to
propose a short course at EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly
2016 in Vienna (17-22th April). The course of approximately 90 minutes
should be based on OSGeo Live package. It could ba a great possibility to
disseminate the OSGeo approach in EGU community.
This email is a call to search for who willing this workshop. Hence, we ask
to receive candidatures of persons that  can be in person at EGU16 to take
the course.
Raffaele Albano
Eng PhD

Research Associate - University of Basilicata

CoFounder - Wat-TUBE Spinoff
NH ECS Raprs - European Geosciences Union

email. *raffaele.albano85 at gmail.com <raffaele.albano85 at gmail.com>*
nome skype: albano.raffaele <raffaele.albano at wat-tube.it>
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