[Ica-osgeo-labs] AGS GeoBadges.org

Alex Mandel aimandel at ucdavis.edu
Tue Dec 22 09:01:11 PST 2015

I think we should consider participating in this project.
Micro-credentials for learning and doing Geo stuff. See details below.

Maybe Badges like:
Open Geospatial Course Sharing (For teachers who release course materials)
Data Sharing (For individuals or orgs that post open geographic data)

I'm sure there are lots of other ideas, should pass this to
OSGeo-Discuss too.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: December Newsletter from AGS: Happy Holidays!
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:33:43 +0000
From: American Geographical Society <ags at americangeo.org>
Reply-To: American Geographical Society <ags at americangeo.org>

Happy Holidays from the staff at
Become an earner or issuer of Geobadges!
As a 21st century learning society dedicated to the advancement of
geographic thinking, understanding and knowledge across business,
government academe, the social sector and education, the American
Geographical Society is proud to have launched www.GeoBadges.org
(http://www.geobadges.org/) during Geography Awareness Week.  This
independent micro-credentialing platform allows every organization that
is committed to similar principals to allow the world to garner credit
for their investment of time in the development of geographic skills,
and the application of those skills toward public service.
We encourage everyone to spread the word, and to begin earning the
GeoBadges that are relevant to their own lives and learning endeavors.
In particular, everyone who participated in OSMGeoWeek
(http://osmgeoweek.org/) should make sure to collect their OSM Editor
and Organizer GeoBadges, and share them on your LinkedIn, Twitter, and
Facebook accounts.

The AGS is proud to have TeachOSM (http://teachosm.org/en/) , the
MapStory Foundation (http://mapstory.org/) , GeoPlunge
(http://geoplunge.com/) , theOpen Geospatial Consortium
(http://www.opengeospatial.org/) , GeoMakers (http://geomakers.org/) ,
the PeaceCorps (http://www.peacecorps.gov/) , and CrisisMappers
(http://crisismappers.net/) as a part of the GeoBadges.org launch.  If
your organization has ideas for GeoBadges that you would like to issue,
please contact Selene Lawrence at ags at americangeo.org or call us at

Alex Mandel, PhD

Geospatial and Farming Systems Research Consortium
University of California, Davis

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