[Ica-osgeo-labs] Joint session: IG Geospatial & IG Big Data Analytics - Short Presentations and joint research ideas invited

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Tue Feb 17 11:37:03 PST 2015

Dear colleagues,

Research Data Alliance is pleased to announce that the United States will be hosting its Fifth Plenary Meeting in San Diego, California from March 9 -11, 2015. For those unfamiliar with RDA, the Plenaries are multi-day meetings held twice a year in various locations worldwide to provide the RDA community an opportunity to network and collaborate with peers in various disciplines, and hear from industry experts and world leaders on topics related to research data sharing and exchange.

Celebrating its second year as an international organization, RDA will highlight the accomplishments of its membership.  With the theme, “Adopt-a-Deliverable”, focus will be on the outputs from the initial set of RDA Working Groups, and on ensuring lasting impact in the research data sharing community through adoption by other organizations.

We are pleased to confirm details of the Joint session of  IG Geospatial & IG Big Data Analytics

Monday 9 March 2015 (Time - 11:30-13:00)

The joint meeting will be chaired and led by Prof. Chris Pettit (University of Melbourne, Australia) and draft agenda below

*  Updates on Geospatial IG
*  Updates on Big Data Analytics IG
*  2- 3 short presentations to be finalised on both Geo and Big Data
*  Ideas for specific actions in Geospatial IG and Big Data Analytics IG

If any of you wish to make short (unto 10 minutes) presentations of your research on this theme please inform me (suchithanand76 at gmail.com)  by 28th Feb 2015. More details at https://rd-alliance.org/ig-geospatial-p5-joint-session.html

It will be also a good opportunity to plan ideas to put a joint proposal for the RDA Data Share Fellow program https://www.rd-alliance.org/project-call-engage-rda-data-share-fellow-your-group.html  through our US research labs (the Fellow will be based in US university)  for building upon Urban Science research.

Best wishes,


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