[Ica-osgeo-labs] Urban Science - City Analytics - The Road Map Challenge

Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX) patrick.hogan at nasa.gov
Sat Feb 28 15:10:51 PST 2015

OSGEO USCA (Urban Science/CityAnalytics)
[or CitySmart, myCitySmart, iCitySmart. . .UrbanNirvana?]

I’ve edited our webpage,

First I went looking for links on who the heck we are. WoW! A mighty impressive group!

Next did a little housekeeping on prospective Partners and the Resources links.

Feel free to continue adding to and fixing this page.

We’ve got to identify some key *Research Questions* and hammer away at the *Road Map.*

At some point the Road Map will look entirely different from the bundled laundry list we have there now.

The Road Map needs to become so organized and complete that it is a well-defined requirements document.

Kind regards,
 650.604.5656 (office)
 650.269.2788 (cell)
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