[Ica-osgeo-labs] Creating a GeoSpatial Technology Syllabi Depository - We need your help - Second Call

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 11:47:39 PST 2015

Hi Thomas,
Does OSGeo-Live qualify for your database?
In particular, the quickstarts from OSGeo-Live might be considered?

On 16/01/2015 1:10 am, Mueller, Thomas wrote:
> Dear GIST educators (Sorry for Cross Postings)
> On behalf of National Geospatial Technology Center of Excellence 
> (GeoTech Center) (http://www.geotechcenter.org/), we would like to 
> establish a national database for GIST and geospatial technology 
> syllabi. The new database will be accessible by anyone desiring to 
> observe geospatial syllabi from higher education institutions.
> If you are interested, please send your geospatial technology syllabi 
> (from GIS, remote sensing, spatial analyses courses, etc.) as PDFs as 
> well as a logo (.jpg preferred) from your institution to be posted on 
> the GeoTech Center website. Please complete the attached cover sheet 
> and include with your e-mail. When sending the syllabi could you also 
> please include the following information for each course?(Information 
> below also included at the following website:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EPDJex4dJSamZwRGpkRmFtczA/view?usp=sharing
> 1) Level of course?
>         Non-credit, Certificate course or Workforce Training
>         Introductory undergraduate (100- or 200-level)
>         Advanced undergraduate (300- or 400-level)
>         Graduate
>         Other
> 2) Two or three key words describing the course (i.e., remote sensing, 
> spatial analysis, geospatial programming, etc.)
> 3) Any prerequisites? (Yes/No) and please list them including name and 
> course number.
> 4) Is the course used for a General Education Program? (Yes/No)
> 5) Is there a formal agreement in place for this course to be 
> transferable to another institution? (i.e., articulation) (Yes /No) If 
> so, what institution(s)?
> So why would your institution want to participate?  Well, your school 
> and its courses will be advertised on the GeoTech Center website and 
> it also may help other schools see collaborations in nearby schools.  
> A field will also be added to the National Program Locator Map to show 
> that Syllabi have been posted.
> Please be aware, by publishing these syllabi, the GeoTech Center is 
> NOT endorsing any courses, programs, etc. This is simply a depository 
> and the GeoTech Center agrees not to alter syllabi in any way before 
> posting.
> Please email geospatial syllabi, the completed one-page form, and your 
> institution's logo to us at: Mueller at calu.edu<mailto:Mueller at calu.edu 
> <mailto:Mueller at calu.edu%3cmailto:Mueller at calu.edu>>
> Questions about the GeoTech Center Geospatial Syllabi Depository? 
> r.schultz at snhu.edu<mailto:r.schultz at snhu.edu 
> <mailto:r.schultz at snhu.edu%3cmailto:r.schultz at snhu.edu>>
> Thank you for your time. We look forward to seeing your syllabi.
> Dr. Tom Mueller, GISP
> GIS Professor
> California University of Pennsylvania
> Thomas R. Mueller, Ph.D., GISP
> *Advisor: Geography Major with GIS and Emergency Management Concentration*
> *Co - Director: Pennsylvania View
> *Department of Earth Sciences, California University of Pennsylvania
> "A man never gets to this station in life without being helped, aided, 
> shoved, pushed and prodded to do better." - Johnny Unitas
> Thomas R. Mueller, Ph.D., GISP
> *Advisor: Geography Major with GIS and Emergency Management Concentration*
> *Co - Director: Pennsylvania View
> *Department of Earth Sciences, California University of Pennsylvania
> "A man never gets to this station in life without being helped, aided, 
> shoved, pushed and prodded to do better." - Johnny Unitas
> -- 
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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