[Ica-osgeo-labs] contact e-mails for every current member of the ICA-OSGeo(-ISPRS-) Network

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at ncsu.edu
Thu Mar 5 07:26:08 PST 2015

Sergio, thanks for asking for the emails.

We also still have a very large number of labs in the status of "being established" 
so please in addition to adding the emails it would be great if the members could also update their status.

We are still waiting for the advisory board to vote on and publish the official rules for membership,
so I have not been pushing for getting the membership table updated for a while and we have not added
any new members this year yet while waiting for the official rules,


Helena Mitasova
Professor at the Department of Marine, 
Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
and Center for Geospatial Analytics
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8208
hmitaso at ncsu.edu
"All electronic mail messages in connection with State business which are sent to or received by this account are subject to the NC Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.” 

On Mar 5, 2015, at 10:16 AM, SERGIO ACOSTAYLARA wrote:

> Hi all. Would it be possible to have contact e-mails for every current member of the ICA-OSGeo(-ISPRS-) Network wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Edu_current_initiatives#sortable_table_id_0? Most of them already have but some of them are still missing. I'm not sure if they are all in this mailing list. If yes please add your e-mail in the table; if not, does anybody know how to get them? It will be useful to stimulate the recently created thematic groups. Thanks,
> Sergio Acosta y Lara
> Departamento de Geomática
> Dirección Nacional de Topografía
> Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas
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