[Ica-osgeo-labs] Research Data Science Schools - Inputs needed from the Geo Community

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Tue May 5 09:48:53 PDT 2015


Myself and co-chairs of Geospatial IG have been contacted by the chairs of RDA/CODATA Summer Schools in Data Science and Cloud Computing in the Developing World (Hugh Shanahan, Andrew Harrison, Simon Hodson) to explore ideas on organising Geospatial focussed Summer School as part of the planned Research Data Science Schools that they are planning.The proposed summer schools are designed to provide a pathway in Research Data Science for individuals who already have a Bachelors degree in a cognate discipline. There will be two schools.  Vanilla (which will run for 2-3 weeks, will cover introductory material that is common to all research disciplines) and Flavours
Schools following Vanilla will be more advanced and specialised.

We expect that a series of Vanilla Data schools will run from 2016 onwards. The first one will be at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy.  Each of the Vanilla schools will have space for up to 200 students.  We are planning for the first flavoured schools to run in Cape Town, South Africa in 2016 also.   We believe that research communities will benefit enormously from providing advanced training in Data Science.

Brief overview of the ideas that they send me is summarized at

We would like to welcome inputs from the wider geo community. Please email me your ideas/suggestions/inputs on this and if you and your university would like to be part of this and contribute to the Geospatial Summer Schools planned before 15th May 2015, so we can plan ideas for this.

Best wishes,


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