[Ica-osgeo-labs] STDF Grant for Leaders in Innovation Fellowships (LIF) UK-Egypt Newton-Mosharafa Program

Charles Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Tue Oct 6 05:42:31 PDT 2015


I just wanted to say that it is GREAT to see these conversations trying to
go after collaborative grants. Rania, in FOSS4G Como there was some
discussion about a certification system for FOSS4G educational material led
by Tanzeel Rehman Khan (cc'd above). You two might want to talk.

And generally, for what it is worth, time permitting, I am happy to read
any drafts of grant proposals in our network people produce with an eye as
a 'reviewer'. I hope others will offer that service as well. I think we as
a community should build social norms here trying to especially help
younger researchers in our community go after and get grants around open
geographical science -- especially ones that build the GeoForAll effort.

I think there are two models:

1) Building the thematic group (e.g., AgGIS) and communicating to that
subgroup (like we did for the OpenCitySmart grant proposal); or,

2) Sending emails to the full ica-osgeo-labs list like this to build the
possible collaboration subgroup and then email the full list when you are
facing a puzzle or need some brainstorming of some kind.

Good luck on your efforts Rania. Keep us posted on your progress.

Charlie Schweik

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 6:57 AM, Rania Elsayed <ranyaalsayed at gmail.com>

> STDF Grant for Leaders in Innovation Fellowships (LIF) UK-Egypt
> Newton-Mosharafa Program
> ​Within the framework of UK-Egypt Newton-Mosharafa Program, The STDF and
> the Royal Academy of Engineering are seeking applications from Egyptian
> researchers, with strong entrepreneurial potential, to take part in their
> Leaders in Innovation Fellowships (LIF) program. This is a residential
> training program in innovation and technology entrepreneurship that will
> take place, in the UK, between Monday 25th January, 2016 and Friday 5th
> February, 2016.
> The applicant’s innovation can be any new product, technology or service,
> based on research in engineering defined in its broadest sense to encompass
> a wide range of fields, including: agricultural technology, biotechnology,
> chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer science, design
> engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, ICT, materials science,
> mechanical engineering, and medical engineering
> for more details see the attached pdf
> Deadline 31 October 2015​
> The maximum fund is £90,000 from each side
> is there anyone interested in taking this grant with me?
> ​I am interested in developing certification system , other ideas are also
> welcome
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Rania Elsayed Ibrahim, PhD. Computers & Information
> Researcher,
> Division of Scientific Training & Continuous Studies,
> National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Sciences, Cairo, Egypt.
> *23, Joseph Tito St., ElNozha El-Gedida, Cairo, Egypt.                  *
> *P.O.Box: 1564 Alf-Maskan       *
> *Tel:  (202) 26251200  Ext 308    *
> *Fax: (202) 26225832  *
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Charlie Schweik

Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Dept of Environmental Conservation and Center for Public Policy and

Personal website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik
Publications: http://works.bepress.com/charles_schweik/

Author, Internet Success: A Study of Open Source Software (MIT Press, 2012)
- see http://tinyurl.com/d3e4545

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A: http://five.sentenc.es
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