[Ica-osgeo-labs] Certification

Elżbieta Wołoszyńska-Wiśniewska ela at gridw.pl
Tue Oct 20 03:14:49 PDT 2015

Dear Franz-Josef, Tanzeel,

Your conversation with Suchith it's quite similar to the one we did in 
Nodebo during the 1st QGIS Conference (then it was obviously related to 
QGIS only).

I have two general questions...
No. 1 What does it mean "FOSS4G/OsGeo certification"? What kind of 
competences should be covered by this certification - use of specific 
soft only (which one) or some broader knowledge & skills related to 
implementation of GI tools and spatial data?
No. 2 How is your idea related to QGIS certification (mentioned in the 



Elżbieta Wołoszyńska-Wiśniewska
Head of Education Unit
Deputy Country Coordinator of GLOBE Program

UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre
Sobieszynska 8, 00-764 Warsaw
phone.: +48 22 840 6664 ext. 116
fax: +48 22 851 6201


W dniu 2015-10-20 o 11:45, Franz-Josef Behr pisze:
> Dear Suchith,
> thank you for your message and concerns. I'd like to bring in some 
> clarification.
>  1. Basically certification for FOSS should be based on the community
>     for the community.
>  2. Accreditation must be given by an acknowledged organisation like
>     OSGeo, as you mentioned, and perhaps other communities (i.e. QGIS
>     association [1]). This should be the "umbrella".
>  3. Examinations should be endorsed by acknowledged Universities (i.e.
>     Geo4All members). Here I am looking for supporters.
>  4. Education is provided by certified trainers (still further work
>     needed)
>  5. Organisational work and management has to be done by an agency.
>     This could be an opportunity for Tanzeel.
> In my opinion FOSS4G/OSGeo certifications can be beneficial for all 
> participants:
>   * for the community
>   * for the further dissemination of open tools, data, and standards
>   * for the trainees
>   * for the trainers
>   * for the companies looking for employees
>   * for the organising agency
>   * for Universities (offering education).
> Similar to [1] certification should have either a fixed, moderate 
> cost, or a cost relative to the  GDP/mean salary of the country of 
> origin of the trainee
> Suchith and colleagues, I'd really appreciate your support and your ideas.
> Regards
> Franz-Josef
> [1] http://hub.qgis.org/wiki/quantum-gis/Certification
> Am 19.10.2015 um 15:42 schrieb Suchith Anand:
>> Dear Tanzeel,
>> Thank you for the email and more information. The idea of open source 
>> certification model based on geospatial technology competency model 
>> is good BUT i do have concerns  on your  aim to commercialise this 
>> certification under the umberella of  a private company.  OSGeo Board 
>> should be the one who should be able to take the decision on 
>> certification for OSGeo software training.
>> I was not aware of your discussions with Jeff and others on this that 
>> you mention in your mail . I am ccing this to our education 
>> colleagues, so they can give an informed answer and suggestions to 
>> this. I suggest that you email the OSGeo Board with all details, so 
>> that they will be able to give you suggestions on the best way for this.
>> Best wishes,
>> Suchith
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* tanzeel rehman [tanzeelrehman130 at hotmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Monday, October 19, 2015 2:20 PM
>> *To:* suchith.anand at nottingham.ac.uk
>> *Subject:* RE: [Ica-osgeo-labs] STDF Grant for Leaders in Innovation 
>> Fellowships (LIF) UK-Egypt Newton-Mosharafa Program
>> Dear Suchith
>> Thanks for concerns .yes it is my master thesis and I develop an open 
>> source certification model based on geospatial technology competency 
>> model. I preseneted this topic in FOSS4g Como pre conference and it 
>> was highly appriciated even some of guys were really intrested. We 
>> had a meeting also for accereditation and approval for this model and 
>> jeff suggested that it should be project based certifocation. Now a 
>> days me in spokane for gis pro confernece because i want to 
>> commercialise this certification under the umberella of my new born 
>> company spatial junction
>> And my second supervisor phillip davis  appriciated alot.
>> I need support and suggesstions from all of you to uplift the OSgeo model
>> Thanks
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> From: Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
>> To: tanzeelrehman130 at hotmail.com
>> CC: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: RE: [Ica-osgeo-labs] STDF Grant for Leaders in Innovation 
>> Fellowships (LIF) UK-Egypt Newton-Mosharafa Program
>> Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 08:45:14 +0000
>> Hi Tanzeel,
>> Apologies i could not understand the background discussion on the 
>> topic on certification. From Frans-Josef email some time back i 
>> understand this is something related to your Masters Thesis. Is this 
>> correct? Did you discuss this with the OSGeo Board?  If it is related 
>> to OSGeo certification then you should get approval from the OSGeo 
>> Board first.
>> Best wishes,
>> Suchith
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