[Ica-osgeo-labs] Data to Decisions: Valuing the Societal Benefit of Geospatial Information?: A workshop - March 10-11 in Paris

Charles Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Tue Oct 20 07:46:54 PDT 2015

May be of interest to some in our network... Patrick, are  you aware of
this NASA sponsored workshop?
-- Charlie


> Data to Decisions: Valuing the Societal Benefit of Geospatial Information
> ?:
> A workshop organized by the GEOValuecommunity in collaboration with OECD,
> NASA and USGS.
> ?
> March 10-11, 2016, OECD, Paris, France.
> ?++++++++++++++++++?
> ?Call for Abstracts
> Data to Decisions: Valuing the Societal Benefit of Geospatial Information
> A workshop organized in collaboration with OECD, NASA and USGS March 10-11,
> 2016 Headquarters of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
> (OECD)
> Create a framework for identification and implementation of best practices
> that capture the societal value of geospatial information for both public
> and private uses. Define case studies and use cases that trace the
> information flow end-to-end from the earth observation data acquisition
> system to decisions by end users. Ultimately, one or more of the case
> studies can be identified as an example for a range of applications.
> Observation systems are one or more sensing elements that collect
> observations of the Earth, measure environmental parameters, or survey
> biological or other earth resources. Observations from satellite systems,
> as well as airborne, terrestrial and marine networks that intersect with
> the human dimension support better public and private decision-making. The
> goal is to demonstrate and compare approaches to valuation of geospatial
> information and forge a path forward for research that leads to
> This two-day workshop will focus on two societal impact areas: disasters
> and ecosystems.
> Disasters- focusing on mitigation, response and resilience to natural
> disasters, extreme events that include earthquake, tsunami, drought,
> flooding and extreme weather
> Ecosystems (terrestrial, freshwater, and ocean) focusing on
> ecosystem-based. Management that recognizes and honors the
> land-water-energy nexus.
> Disaster risk reduction and ecosystems support the UN Sustainable
> Development Goals, are listed as GEO Societal Benefit areas of the US
> National Plan for Civil Earth Observations, and included in the NASA
> Applied sciences and USGS Science strategy.
> Authors: Please submit abstracts (up to 500 words) to hazardcenter at ecu.edu
> <mailto:hazardcenter at ecu.edu> by November 15 2015 of original research on
> methodologies, case studies, and use cases that address the value of
> improved processes and decisions based on geospatial information. Work that
> traces the value chain from basic scientific information through
> intermediate processes that make the data usable and informative to
> end-user decisions is encouraged. Abstracts and papers should identify data
> and users. Travel stipends will be awarded to selected authors giving
> presentations/papers providing use cases with the potential for broad
> application.
> For additional information contact hazardcenter at ecu.edu<mailto:
> hazardcenter at ecu.edu> or find details at? www.socioeconomicbenefits.org<
> http://www.socioeconomicbenefits.org>?

Charlie Schweik

Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Dept of Environmental Conservation and Center for Public Policy and

Personal website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik
Publications: http://works.bepress.com/charles_schweik/

Author, Internet Success: A Study of Open Source Software (MIT Press, 2012)
- see http://tinyurl.com/d3e4545

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A: http://five.sentenc.es
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