[Ica-osgeo-labs] Education at FOSS4G 2016

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Oct 29 05:56:23 PDT 2015

Hi Ela,

Thanks for recording this on the wiki; but be careful, always be sure to 
include an appropriate wiki "category" at the bottom of your page, so 
that your wiki page can be found (years from now).  Scroll to the bottom 
of your page now, you can see that I added "Category: FOSS4G2016" to it. 
  Click on that link (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:FOSS4G2016), 
and your page is listed with all of the other pages for that event, cool 
eh?  Just be sure to always include a category for any page you create 
(copy/paste that text to the bottom of every page you create).  thanks! :)

And I notice that a "GeoForAll" category already exists too, great 
(http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:GeoForAll).  You can list multiple 
categories for the same page (just look around the wiki for examples, 
copy/paste their text).



On 2015-10-29 8:41 AM, Elżbieta Wołoszyńska-Wiśniewska wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks a lot for joining a discussion, providing feedback and comments,
> asking additional questions. I set up the wikipage to gather all
> information concerning education at FOSS4G 2016
> (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Education).
> Summing up...
> Conference - we agree on having education included into general track.
> Great! Work in progress... :-)
> Workshop - we have quite a lot of people open for the idea of
> educational workshop at FOSS4G 2016. However, there are some important
> issues which need to be discussed.
> First of all (Nikos is 100% right) - was is/are our target group(s)?
> Looking at the different background of ICA-OsGeo Labs we have at least 5
> different groups:
> 1) academics working with students over 19 at the universities,
> 2) school teachers, working with children aged 6-12/14 (primary
> education) - in different countries  we have different educational
> system so also different age groups
> 3) school teachers, working with young people aged 12/14-19 (secondary
> education) - in different countries  we have different educational
> system so also different age groups
> 4) teacher trainers, so educators responsible for improving pre-service
> and/or in-service school teachers skills and knowledge,
> 5) GI educators responsible for improving GIS skills and knowledge of
> very different groups of users (specialists, scientists, public
> administration staff, etc.)
> Well... We can of course make not 1 workshop but 2 or more (if room is
> still available) but what's crucial - how to get participants for the
> training? Moreover, how to get participants for only one-day training?
> In my opinion, we would have no problems to get people from group no 1.
> and no. 5 - they will be in Bonn :-)
> But, as far as group no. 2, 3 and 4 are concerned, it will be much
> harder.  School teachers can be financially supported by their schools
> but for 1-day training that can be not so easy.
> If we want this group to come - how can we support them? First of all,
> get money to cover their travel expenses. That's the most important. I
> know quite a lot of teachers from Belgium for example who would be
> interested to come, if they get this kind of support. Any ideas on how
> to do it (except for Till's proposal to ask OsGeo for help)?
> So dear ICA-OsGeo Lab members, to make a general discussion more
> concrete - please declare your *ideas on specific training* that *you
> *would like to lead on FOSS4G 2016 using above mentioned Wikipage. That
> would help a lot!
> Regards,
> Ela***
> *
> W dniu 2015-10-26 o 13:15, Charlie Schweik pisze:
>> Sorry - my bad, Nikos. I am considering all levels but brought in the
>> university here.
>> I think we should have both areas!
>> Charlie
>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 6:36 AM, <labrinos at eled.auth.gr
>> <mailto:labrinos at eled.auth.gr>> wrote:
>>     Dear all,
>>     To be honest, I am getting confused. One time you are talking
>>     about university education and the nest time about schools.
>>     Maybe we should decide or group our desires.
>>     Some should think about the tertiary education, some about
>>     secondary and others (like me) about primary. Should we allocate
>>     different people, as contact persons, to lead the discussion for
>>     each level of education?
>>     regards
>>     Nikos
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     Νίκος Λαμπρινός
>>     Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής
>>     Π.Τ.Δ.Ε. Α.Π.Θ.
>>     Θεσσαλονίκη 541 24
>>     Τηλ. 2310 991201, 991230
>>     Email: labrinos at eled.auth.gr <mailto:labrinos at eled.auth.gr>
>>     Ιστοσελίδες: _http://labrinos.webpages.auth.gr/digital_geography/_
>>     _<http://www.digital-earth.edu.gr>http://www.digital-earth.edu.gr_
>>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     Dr. Nikos Lambrinos
>>     Associate Professor
>>     Dept. of Primary Education
>>     Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki
>>     Greece, GR-54124
>>     Tel. +30 2310 991201
>>     Email: labrinos at eled.auth.gr <mailto:labrinos at eled.auth.gr>
>>     Web pages: _http://labrinos.webpages.auth.gr/digital_geography/_
>>     _http://www.digital-earth.edu.gr/_
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     *From:*ica-osgeo-labs
>>     [mailto:ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
>>     <mailto:ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>] *On Behalf Of
>>     *Antoni Perez Navarro
>>     *Sent:* Monday, October 26, 2015 11:44 AM
>>     *To:* ela at gridw.pl <mailto:ela at gridw.pl>;
>>     cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu <mailto:cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu>
>>     *Cc:* ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
>>     <mailto:ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org>
>>     *Subject:* Re: [Ica-osgeo-labs] Education at FOSS4G 2016
>>     Hi Ela,
>>     I find the ideas absolutely wonderful.
>>     Regarding workshop for teachers, in Como we talked also about to
>>     look for funding in order to open it to people around Europe, and
>>     not only germany. But we all agreed that it would be difficult in
>>     schools.
>>     On the other hand, in Spain we are having some debate around how
>>     difficult is to find students in GIS, although geographic
>>     information seams key. If it is a generic problem, maybe it would
>>     be interesting to prepare a round table to talk about the item.
>>     Some of us think that the term GIS is not a fashion term and maybe
>>     we should have to "fashionate" it. I don't know.
>>     Best regards,
>>     Toni
>>     *Antoni Pérez Navarro*
>>     Estudis d'Informàtica, Multimèdia i Telecomunicació
>>     *Universitat Oberta de Catalunya*
>>     <mailto:aperezn at uoc.edu>aperezn at uoc.edu
>>     22@ (Rambla Poblenou, 156 / 08018 Barcelona)
>>     <https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonipereznavarro>https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonipereznavarro
>>     @tonipereznavarr
>>     Η εικόνα καταργήθηκε από τον αποστολέα. Universitat Oberta de
>>     Catalunya
>>     Aquest missatge s'adreça exclusivament a qui va destinat i pot
>>     contenir informació privilegiada o confidencial i dades de
>>     caràcter personal, la difusió de les quals és regulada per la Llei
>>     orgànica de protecció de dades i la Llei de serveis de la societat
>>     de la informació. Si no sou la persona destinatària indicada (o la
>>     responsable de lliurar-lo a qui va destinat), no heu de copiar
>>     aquest missatge ni lliurar-lo a tercers per cap concepte. Si heu
>>     rebut aquest missatge per error o l'heu aconseguit per altres
>>     mitjans, us demanem que ens ho comuniqueu immediatament per
>>     aquesta mateixa via i l'elimineu irreversiblement.
>>     Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge electrònic penseu en el medi ambient.
>>     --- Missatge original de Charles Schweik
>>     <<mailto:cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu>cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu> per
>>     a "El¿bieta Wo¿oszy¿ska-Wi¿niewska"
>>     <<mailto:ela at gridw.pl>ela at gridw.pl> amb còpia a ica-osgeo-labs
>>     <ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
>>     <mailto:ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org>> enviat el 25.10.2015 13:33
>>     Hi Ela,
>>     See my thoughts below in-line:
>>     On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 4:32 PM, El?bieta Wo?oszy?ska-Wi?niewska
>>     <<mailto:ela at gridw.pl>ela at gridw.pl> wrote:
>>     There are two main options:
>>     No. 1 ? *conference* itself (24-26th of August)
>>     Education will be mentioned as one of the special topics in the
>>     General track. So during the general program selection a special
>>     focus will be put on education-related presentations. The idea was
>>     not to make these presentations too much research-oriented (as in
>>     acadeic track) but really practical.
>>     As Volker (chair of program committee) mentioned:"My plan is to
>>     give the slots (3 talks in a row) some kind of topic. Those would
>>     be then be ?education?.
>>     I really like this idea ? it would help to make this topic more
>>     visible and help people who are interested to find proper time and
>>     room ;-)
>>     I think this is a good idea.
>>     In Como, you'll recall there was a paper by the NCSU team about
>>     their educational material and how they made datasets generic, or
>>     perhaps people could consider presenting issues such as how they
>>     are teaching various topics like geocrowdsourcing, Volunteer
>>     geographic information, geo-sensor webs, geo-temporal
>>     visualization, modeling, or some other area. Maybe there could be
>>     a call for papers?
>>         No. 2 ? *pre-conference, education workshop* (23rd of August )
>>         We have a chance to organise pre-conference workshop!
>>         In Como we talked about two options: a) having workshop for
>>         German school teachers on use of FOSS4G (e.g. QGIS) in
>>         education, b) having workshop for teacher trainers to show
>>         them how they can motivate and attract teachers to open GIS.
>>     I think these are both good ideas too.
>>     One update on my end. The GeoForAll urban thematic has a grant
>>     proposal under review right now. Like all grant proposals -- It's
>>     a long shot -- but if funded it would provide funding to support a
>>     US GeoForAll scholar to go to Bonn to offer a training workshop at
>>     FOSS4G 2016. The topic would be either a 'Research Methods'
>>     workshop or a 'Train the Trainer' workshop - probably targeting
>>     university researchers and educators. I don't know when we will
>>     hear about the funding, but my guess is that it will be in early
>>     2016, and if it comes in, we'll have a call for workshop topics.
>>     So I'll let you know if it comes in.
>>     I encourage others in our community to go after funds like this
>>     that would help fund/support these kinds of educational or
>>     research workshops to happen in future FOSS4G global or regional
>>     events!
>>     Cheers,
>>     Charlie
>> --
>> --------------------------------------------
>> Q: Why do I try to keep my emails to five sentences or less?
>> A: http://five.sentenc.es
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Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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