[Ica-osgeo-labs] Joint meeting of IG Geospatial & IG Big Data Analytics of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) at Paris - ideas for joint collaborations invited

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Sun Sep 13 04:49:39 PDT 2015

If anyone is interested to contribute their ideas/topics for this meeting, please let Andrea Perego (JRC, European Commission ; Email - andrea.perego at jrc.ec.europa.eu  ) know by 17th Sep, 2015 . Thanks.


Best wishes,

From: Anand Suchith
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2015 8:27 PM
To: discuss at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Joint meeting of IG Geospatial & IG Big Data Analytics of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) at Paris - ideas for joint collaborations invited

We are pleased to inform that  the next joint meeting of IG Geospatial & IG Big Data Analytics of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) will be held at the Sixth RDA Plenary (23rd-25th Sep, 2015) in Paris   to build upon our previous joint meeting and activities at RDA5 in San Diego, California .

The minutes and presentations from the joint meeting of Geospatial and Big Data IGs at RDA5 , San Deigo  are available at


Thanks to Chris Pettit  (University of Melbourne) for chairing the P5 joint meeting  aimed at bridging synergies with Geospatial and Big Data research communities in particular for our Road Map Challenge ideas for Urban Science and City Analytics (joint ideas in Geospatial and Big Data ) See ideas in place at http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoForAll_UrbanScience_CityAnalytics  and join the mailing list at  http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/geoforall-urbanscience

The aim of our next joint meeting is to expand synergies in Geospatial Big Data Analytics and research. Myself and my co-chairs in Geospatial IG  will welcome your ideas for planning the various WG activities. We will use this meeting opportunity to also build upon actions from our previous meetings of the Geospatial IG  at Dublin and Amsterdam Plenaries in 2014.

The draft program for the Paris Plenary joint meeting is available at  https://rd-alliance.org/ig-geospatial-p6-joint-session.html

The joint meeting aims to build upon our previous joint meeting at RDA5 and draft agenda below

  *   Updates on Geospatial IG
  *   Updates on Big Data IG
  *   Presentation and discussion on EC's 'big data' portal EarthServer . Details at http://www.earthserver.eu/about
  *   2- 3 short presentations to be finalised on both Geo and Big Data
  *   Ideas for specific actions in Geospatial IG and Big Data IG
  *   Explore collaborations for future joint bids (H2020, NSF etc)

If anyone is interested to contribute their ideas/topics for this meeting, please let Andrea Perego (JRC, European Commission ; Email - andrea.perego at jrc.ec.europa.eu ) know by 15th Sep, 2015.

We are looking forward to expand these ideas in the future. Looking forward to  Plenary 6 meetings with a focus on Research Data for Climate Change.

Best wishes,

Suchith Anand, Peter Baumann, Andrea Perego, Luciene Delzari, Helena Mitasova, Chris Pettit

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