[Geo4All] R: GeoBadges for service to Geo4All education activities
Christopher Tucker
tucker at mapstory.org
Fri Apr 1 13:57:29 PDT 2016
We are actually quite far along on this and have been working with a variety or organizations. Jon Marino, who created GeoBadges.org spent a number of years in the educational and education technology space and can walk you through the strategies employed within GeoBadges to address the kinds of issues you raise. There is plenty of room for improvement, but a lot of thinking and outreach has gone in to this.
I am sure that Jon would be happy to walk everyone thru the thinking on a Hangout.
> On Apr 1, 2016, at 3:49 PM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Suchith,
> I'm wary of the practicalities of managing a geobadges system.
> My reasoning:
> Geobadges will be of best value when they have built up a brand and are widely recognised.
> This requires marketing, associating of the badge with something of interest (such as associated with quality). To build association of quality with badges requires some review criteria and review system, which requires quite a significant amount of volunteer effort before there is enough content to make the geobadges useful. As such, I think this would be a hard concept to get off the ground.
> Cheers, Cameron
>> On 2/04/2016 5:46 am, Maria Antonia Brovelli wrote:
>> Wonderful idea! I can't attend the meeting due to other commitments but having Geobadges for minimapathons is nice!!
>> Many thanks!
>> Maria & Marco
>> Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung
>> -------- Messaggio originale --------
>> Da: Suchith Anand <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>
>> Data: 01/04/2016 17:20 (GMT+01:00)
>> A: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org, Anastasia Tom <atom at americangeo.org>
>> Oggetto: [Geo4All] GeoBadges for service to Geo4All education activities
>> Dear Geo4All colleagues,
>> Last week, i emailed the community with some background info on GeoBadges [1] send by Anastasia Tom of the American Geographical Society [2] . So far, i did not get any response /ideas .
>> I understand that badges can also be given for service. For example, we have done Geo4All Educator Awards[3] last year , we can plan to have badges given for all nominees etc and expand ideas for giving GeoBadges for service to OSGeo education activities (from contributing tutorials, course materials etc) to acknowledge and encourage more participation. I would welcome ideas from the community on how we can make use of this GeoBadges opportunity from AGS for expanding our impact.
>> I suggest we explore ideas for acknowledging the amazing service that all colleagues are providing for various Geo4All education activities (Ambassador, Educator etc). We have an amazing team of contributors at all levels (who are the magic behind Geo4All) and it is high time, we put in place a structure to show our appreciation and thank you to these amazing people for their selfless service for the benefit of the wider community.
>> Some examples below:
>> We could give GeoBadges for Service for our Education efforts. We have the Geo4All Educator Awards and this can be extended in future by having all nominees receiving GeoBadges and Citation for their work. I suggest that Charlie (as the chair of award committee or his nominee) should lead this.
>> We could plan GeoBadges for our GeoAmbassador program for expanding Spatial Literacy and geographic awareness in Schools globally. Once the MapStory platform is launched with new functionalities, we would be announcing our partnership with MapStory Foundation to plan spatial literacy for schools globally to help build spatially thinking society. We need to have lot of GeoAmbassadors (who are all volunteers) to make this program a success. One way to acknowledge the contributions of our GeoAmbassadors is we provide GeoBadges for our Spatial Literacy GeoAmbassadors. All ideas welcome on how we can plan this.
>> We can also plan to give GeoBadges to the students who are contributing to the Humanitarian Mapathons that Maria is leading. Maria , Marco should be the point of contacts for these http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/ica-osgeo-labs/2016-March/002815.html
>> Please let me know your thoughts/ideas on this. I am planning to have a tele meeting with Anastasia on next Friday April 8th 17:00 (UK time)
>> to learn how GeoBadges work and help us understand more details. If any of you wish to join this tele meeting (max 4 volunteers) please let me know asap. Thanks.
>> Best wishes,
>> Suchith
>> [1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/ica-osgeo-labs/2016-March/002764.html
>> [2] http://americangeo.org
>> [3] http://www.geoforall.org/news/?action=story&id=20
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> Cameron Shorter,
> Software and Data Solutions Manager
> LISAsoft
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