[Ica-osgeo-labs] From Big Data to Open Data: Mobilizing the Data Revolution

Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX) patrick.hogan at nasa.gov
Fri Feb 12 05:19:04 PST 2016

It might be worth noting that ESA and NASA are very successfully collaborating on WebWorldWind development.

This 4D geobrowser platform is making huge strides in ^helping^ our world have 'big access' to 'big data.'



An example of how easy it is for your data to be accessed. . .
You could be delivering your data within minutes via a WMS server!


How easy is it to add your own server?
Copy this URL into "Add new server":


You'll just need CORS running on the server,

A single configuration line change in your favorite server can do this (we've used Apache and Tomcat)


(650) 604-5656 (office)
(650) 269-2788 (cell)

From: ica-osgeo-labs [mailto:ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Suchith Anand
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 5:34 AM
To: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org; OSGeo Discussions
Subject: [Ica-osgeo-labs] From Big Data to Open Data: Mobilizing the Data Revolution


>From September 11-17, 2016, data professionals and researchers from all disciplines and from across the globe will convene in Denver, Colorado, USA for International Data Week (IDW). The theme of this landmark event is 'From Big Data to Open Data: Mobilizing the Data Revolution'.   As such, the International Data Week will bring together data scientists, researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, policy makers and data stewards to explore how best to exploit the data revolution to improve our knowledge and benefit society through data-driven research and   innovation. Details at http://www.internationaldataweek.org

I want to bring to your attention that the  Research Data Alliance Plenary 8 is also collated with this  [ 11- 16 Sept 2016, in Denver, Colorado - USA within International Data Week (co-locating ScidataCon 2016 & RDA Plenary 8]

Details are at https://rd-alliance.org/plenary-meetings.html

Also those who are interested to apply for the CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science, hosted at the International Centre of Theoretical Physics, 1-12 August 2016 Details at  http://indico.ictp.it/event/7658/  Deadline for applying is 18th April 2016.

I am also hoping to welcome some of you to the University of Nottingham for  the GeoBigData workshop that the RDA Geospatial IG will be hosting (it will be free event but limited to 30  people who are doing research in this theme) at the University of Nottingham on 8th June 2016. The aim of this workshop is to bring together key research leaders working in this area to discuss and plan the research agenda and future research collaborations. It will also link our OpenCitySmart research collaborations.

Best wishes,


From: Anand Suchith
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 7:11 AM
Subject: Geospatial IG meetings at RDA7 Tokyo - Short presentations and new Working Groups by 20th Feb 2016

Dear colleague,

Hosted and co-organised by the Japan Science and Technology Agency under the theme "Making data sharing work in the era of Open Science" the 7th Research Data Alliance (RDA) Plenary meeting will be held in Tokyo, Japan from the 1st to the 3rd of March 2016. Details at https://rd-alliance.org/plenary-meetings/rda-seventh-plenary-meeting.html

We are planning to arrange a meeting of the Geospatial IG at the RDA's 7th Plenary in Tokyo to expand our ideas . Helen Glaves (British Geological Survey) will be chairing the session.

Meeting agenda:

* Updates on Geospatial IG
* Ideas for specific actions in Geospatial IG and Big Data IG joint meeting (from previous Plenary meeting)
* Plans for GeoBigData workshop at University of Nottingham on June 2016 (coinciding with RDA Chairs meeting which will be hosted by the University of Nottingham and British Geological Survey in Nottingham)
* 2- 3 short presentations to be finalised on Geo (inputs from the community)
* Ideas/inputs for specific WG activities to be initiated (call will be send out to the community)

Details at https://rd-alliance.org/ig-geospatial.html

We are also inviting ideas from the wider community for short presentation (max 5 min) from various research groups working in this area for the Tokyo meeting to share your ideas and explore ideas for future research collaborations. There will be opportunity to join remotely for this session and present for interested participants . If you wish to contribute to this session or those interested to initiate new Working Groups for the Geospatial IG please email Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk> by 20th Feb 2016. Looking forward to your participation.

Best wishes,

Suchith Anand, Peter Baumann, Luciene Delazari, Andrea Perego, Chris Pettit

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