[Ica-osgeo-labs] Webminar pages updating

Moreno-sanchez, Rafael Rafael.Moreno at ucdenver.edu
Mon Feb 29 12:34:49 PST 2016

Hi Suchith, Jason, 
From this communication it seems that we have agreed to use the Geo4All webminars page as the medium to post and track the calendar of webminars, is this correct?

If this is the case, when you give us editing permissions can you give us a generic user name and password? Likely a couple of our students/faculty might be doing the edits to post coming webminars. 

We record the webminars and then we upload them to YouTube. Do you agree to continue this scheme?

We have contacted our first webminar guest and he is ready to go in the month of March. 

Thank you

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