[Ica-osgeo-labs] istSOS &Google Summer of Code 2016: call for students

Massimiliano Cannata massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
Fri Mar 18 00:59:26 PDT 2016


*Google Summer of Code 2016
<https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/> students application period
is now open!*

Also this year, as an hosted project of OSGeo <http://www.osgeo.org/> (Open
Source Geospatial Foundation), istSOS <http://istsos.org> [1] welcome
students who may want to contribute to the project by implementing new ideas
<https://sourceforge.net/p/istsos/wiki/GSoC_ideas_2016> [2].
Are there any students wanting to spend their summer break *writing code*
and learning about open source development while* earning 5500 US Dollars*?
Accepted students will work with a mentor and become a part of the open
source community. Many become lifetime open source developers!

*The 2016 student application window is March 14th to 25th.*

Here <https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/> [3] is a link you
can find the information need to know about the GSoC. Our suggestions to
students are summarized as follows:

   - check the eligibility requirements first
   - get inspiration and info from the OSGeo Ideas wiki page [3]
   - if you are new, introduce yourself to the developer team you wish to
   join (use this list for istSOS)

Let us remind that you don't need to already be an expert to take part to
GSoC - if you are unsure, just ask what are the required skills for a given

istSOS wants you!!

[1] http://istsos.org
[2] https://sourceforge.net/p/istsos/wiki/GSoC_ideas_2016
[3] https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/
[4] <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2016_Ideas>

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"istSOS" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
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*Massimiliano Cannata*

Professore SUPSI in ingegneria Geomatica

Responsabile settore Geomatica

Istituto scienze della Terra

Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana

Campus Trevano, CH - 6952 Canobbio

Tel. +41 (0)58 666 62 14

Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09

massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch

*www.supsi.ch/ist <http://www.supsi.ch/ist>*
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