[Ica-osgeo-labs] Splinter Meeting EGU 2016 for Young Scientists

Raffaele Albano raffaele.albano85 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 09:35:03 PDT 2016

Dear all,

I have organized a splinter meeting, scheduled *SMP25* to *19 Apr, Tuesday,
room 2.17, 08:30-10:00* at EGU 2016. The main audience would be the early
career scientists, ([1]) of Natural Hazard (NH) Division but it is public.
The aims of the SMP is to share thoughts and feedback on the improvements
of NH community and promote networking and the involvement of ECS in the
I invite all of you to participate at this meeting and, moreover, I hope
1-2 people, (preferably ECS), should give a short talk of 5 minutes (3-5
slides) presenting OSGeo or one or more OSGeo projects in which their are
involved. I could do it, but being moderator I prefer to give to others the
possibility to give a talk in this event.
Please, contact me if you are interested until 30th April.
Raffaele Albano

[1] An Early Career Scientists (ECS) is an undergraduate or postgraduate
(Masters/PhD) student or a scientist who has received his or her highest
degree (BSc, MSc, or PhD) within the past seven years

Raffaele Albano
Eng PhD

Research Associate - University of Basilicata
NH ECS Raprs - European Geosciences Union

email. *raffaele.albano85 at gmail.com <raffaele.albano85 at gmail.com>*
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