ArcSDE geotools testing

Jody Garnett jgarnett at
Sat Apr 1 05:43:12 EST 2006

Sweet, however in the interest of an IP check I really want to make sure 
we cannot get Mr Butler in trouble.
Howard can you confirm that you have permission for the big bad internet 
(or at least some OSGEO projects) to test against your machine? Perhaps 
something as simple as a connection cap, where 3 connections are 
explicitly made available we be enough?

I do not know enough about the ESRI license to advise you on this one? 
We are working through these issues with the 
incubator at list as we sort through IP issues for one 
and all.

> Gabriel,
> The server is still up.  Frank used it to implement SDE support for 
> OGR recently
>> server:
>> port: 5151
>> database: sde or "" or test
>> username: geoservwrite/!sdeGeoWrite
>> username: geoservread/!sdeGeoRead
>> layers:
>> sde_master.GEOSERVWRITE.IA_NHD <- lines, UTM Zone 15, with measures?
>> sde_master.GEOSERVWRITE.US_COUNTIES_ALBERS <- polygons, USGS Albers 
>> projection
>> sde_master.GEOSERVWRITE.WINDSPEED <- points, UTM Zone 15
>> sde_master.GEOSERVWRITE.WORLD_BORDERS <- polygons, geographic
>> sde_master.GEOSERVWRITE.WORLD_BORDERS_REGISTERD <- same as above, 
>> except registe
>> red as versioned for editing (this can change things, it is also 
>> where versioned
>>  editing can/will happen)
>> sde_master.GEOSERVWRITE.WORLD_CITIES <- points, geographic
>> with no OB
>> sde_master.GEOSERVWRITE.COUNTIES_MP <- counties with multi-part 
>> geometries
>> sde_master.GEOSERVWRITE.HIGHWAYS_MP <- road linestrings with 
>> multi-part geometri
>> es
>> sde_master.GEOSERVWRITE.CACITIES_MP <- canada cities as multipart points
>> versioning:
>> sde_master.GEOSERVWRITE.VERSIONTEST <- a layer with a circle, square, 
>> and triangle.
>> A version named "VERSIONTEST" contains three child versions, 
>> "SQUARE", "CIRCLE", and "TRIANGLE".  The layer at each of those 
>> versions contains
>>  a single geometry of that type, ie "TRIANGLE" version contains a 
>> single geometry with name="triangle".
> Howard
> At 04:37 AM 3/31/2006, you wrote:
>> Hi howard,
>> it's me again bothering you about arcsde access.
>> Don't know if you would still be able of providing the geotools PMC 
>> members
>> with access to the arcsde instance for testing pourposes.
>> The geotools arcsde plugin is having a lot of improvements ranging from
>> support for making queries that joins tables to using arcsde registered
>> views. This is all done for the support of complex feature types for 
>> being
>> able of modeling gml 3.1 schemas from related tables.
>> So I'm asking you again if we could have private access to the arcsde 
>> instance
>> so the Project Management Comitee members of geotools (Chris Holmes 
>> and Jody
>> Garnett) would be able of testing this new capabilities.
>> Thanks,
>> Gabriel.
>> On Thursday 16 December 2004 16:52, Gabriel Roldán wrote:
>> > Hi Howard,
>> > I'm Gabriel Roldán, the geotool's arcsde module maintainer.
>> > I would like, if it is possible, to create cite layers in that arcsde
>> > instance, in order to become trying to pass cite tests on sde. 
>> (since I
>> > currently do not have access to an instance of myself)
>> >
>> > Would you be so kind of giving me a user and pass with write 
>> privileges?
>> >
>> > If not, I understand.
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> >
>> > Gabriel.
>> > His email.
>> -- 
>> Gabriel Roldán (groldan at
>> Axios Engineering (
>> Tel. +34 944 41 63 84
>> Fax. +34 944 41 64 90

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