[Incubator] Meeting Reminder

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Mon Apr 10 09:51:33 EDT 2006

Jody Garnett wrote:
>>> Can the integration table for collabnet be completed?
>> I didn't really get what you wanted in this integration table, so I  
>> can't hack it.
> Ah - I wanted to know what works with what. for example by issuing an 
> svn commit the following will be updated (in geotools): cruise control 
> build, task tracker will pick up the commit comment, commit will be sent 
> to IRC log, commit will be sent out as email, changed code will show up 
> in the wiki code examples, finally changed code will show up on a 
> website (javadocs api).


Well, your table seems to have very small cells to actually describe
the types of integration.  I'm a bit "table impaired" when it comes to
stuff like this.

I would describe CollabNet integration this way:
  o One common user identification for all services (and cross project).
  o SVN, CVS and the issue tracker all provide email notification lists.
  o The web site is automatically checked out from SVN.

Hmm, nothing else comes to mind.  I'm sure DanielB can point out other
useful points of integration.

> What happens when I do an svn commit on collabnet?

And email is sent out on the projects "commits" list.  I have a proof
of concept of turning these commit emails into proper CIA notifications.

>> Ideally I would like to see you bring these issues forward for discussion
>> and possible inclusion.
> I see so should I add to that page? Documentation status and license, 
> third party dependencies, ....

Stuff related to license might belong in the Code Provenence Review page.
Other items like a documentation review could be added to the Project
Status Template.  But you could also setup an "additional requirement
ideas" page for dicussion of new items if you wish.  The only think I
would like to avoid is substantial changes to the documents we are
going to discuss today in the meeting before the meeting.

The important thing is to get your ideas out and into discussion.  In
fact describing them on the mailing list isn't a bad start.

> Understood, however several of the project (geotools and mapbuilder) 
> seem to be using this
> as an opportunity to either improve their own game, or at the very least 
> be consistent. We should
> once again sit back and see what the initial projects thought was worth 
> improving as part of being
> included in the foundation.

I don't have a problem with that.  But projects are going to have to
bring these thoughts forward for the rest of us to be aware of them.
Also, at some point projects are going to say "I think I have met all
the conditions you have established, please consider me for gradutation
from incubation".  But if we are basically waiting around to see what
things projects pursue how do we know if we are ready to graduate
a project?  My point is that we need some way to maintain forward
progress and ideally have a timetable for at least establishing
graduation criteria.

Some projects (ie. mine!) are unlikely to a lot more than is listed
as a requirement of incubation.

>> If we are looking for best practices to apply, what are they?
> So to come back to this, lets see what these initial projects come up 
> with for best practices. Writing down the initial ideas would not be a bad start.

OK, as long as seeing what they come up with does not just mean
sitting on our hands for a few months and hoping something happens.
In my experience very little would happen!

I also have more trust in existing best practices than stuff come
up with out of the blue as part of incubation.  So for instance,
when we look at standards for what constitutes a legitimate PSC
I prefer to look at projects with functioning PSCs (like MapServer)
or best practice documents from other sources such as Apache
rather than look at what GDAL rolls out as a PSC.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGF, http://osgeo.org

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