[Incubator] Mapbuilder license audit

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Sun Jun 25 09:24:57 EDT 2006

On Mon, June 19, 2006 21:42, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Rich,
> I've completed the Mapbuilder license audit and would appreciate a
> legal opinion on our results:
>  http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Community_Mapbuilder_Provenance_Review
> In particular, our license file which I've just reworded (attached).
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> http://cameron.shorter.net
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it does not make any difference now that you have LGPL'd it - but just out
of curiosity, did you mean to say "GLP" referring to the license mentioned
here: http://www.osinet.fr/brands/ca/ca_glp.en.htm, or was it a typo and
you meant GPL?


Arnulf Christl

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