IP issues Oracle and ArcSDE

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Sat Mar 25 10:02:37 EST 2006

Hi Marc - module maintainer for Oracle
Gabriel - module maintainer for ArcSDE

We have an interesting twist with the jars required for your modules to 
build. The jars are not part of an open source project, and produced by 
a commercial company.

Gabriel I am not familiar with how we acquired the arcsde jars. Can you 
confirm for me that we are allowed to depend on these jars, and host 
them in our maven repository for open source development.

Marc - I understand that you are a new module maintainer for Oracle and 
are not familiar with its history. If needed you may check with the 
previous module maintainers to answer this question.

For Oracle we have reverse engineered the Oracle API, interfaces only, 
allowing geotools to compile. If it is possible to secure the rights to 
the original for build purposes it would be of great assistance.  My 
understanding is that if GeoTools, or OSGEO was an Oracle Development 
Partner we would be allowed to do this, I will leave it to you to figure 
out the details.


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