[Incubator] Contributor Agreements - Revisited

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Thu Oct 5 19:00:48 EDT 2006

Afternoon Bob,

I am running through a similar set of hoops for GeoTools, do you mind if 
I take your document to our PMC as an example? There was a volunteer 
with an address over the course of FOSS, my memory says FrankW but that 
may be because he volunteers for most things.

In the specific case of GeoTools we are looking at assigning the 
copyright to OSGeo, so contact info for the foundation would still be 
> All,
> It was determined some time ago that MapGuide and FDO will use a 
> contributor agreement. I took the one Rich created and posted here: 
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Individual_Contributor_License_Agreement_%28CLA%29, 
> cleaned up the formatting, and ran it by our current legal consul 
> Jennifer Daehler. Jennifer gave the attached document her blessing.
> So now for the interesting questions. My understanding is that a 
> physically signed copy must be sent to the foundation. Who collects 
> these, files them for the foundation, and lets the project owners know 
> they have been received? The form contains a placeholder for the 
> foundations fax number and mailing address. What should go into these 
> placeholders?
> Since all of the projects are not using contributor agreements, maybe 
> another alternative is to make them project centric and have each PSC 
> responsible for collecting and filing them.
> Thoughts and input?
> Bob
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