[Incubator] Re: Motion: MapBuilder To Graduate Incubation

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 16:07:56 EDT 2006

Sorry Jody,
I've had every intention to action this, but I've had a particularly 
busy week and actioning your email hasn't made it to the top of my pile yet.

I'll endevour to action or answer all your points by this weekend.

Jody Garnett wrote:
> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>>> Motion:
>>>   I move that the Incubation Committee recommend MapBuilder to the
>>>   OSGeo board for graduation from incubation.
>>> Please feel free to comment by email on it's readiness and when you are
>>> comfortable with a "position" voting -1, -0, 0, +0, or +1.  Do some 
>>> research!
>>> PS. Before this goes to the board, we an individual who will be 
>>> considered
>>> the VP MapBuilder.  Someone who will be responsible as liason between 
>>> the
>>> MapBuilder PSC and the board of directors, an officer of the 
>>> foundation, etc.
>>> Will this be Cameron?  This should be recommended by the MapBuilder PSC.
>> Folks,
>> OK, we have had +1's from Steve, Cameron, Paul and myself.  Jody has been
>> actively reviewing but hasn't stated a position.  But no one else 
>> (according
>> to my skim of the archive) has voted.
> I was waiting to here back from Cameron...
> Cameron? Most of my difficulties are to do with communication (ensuring 
> that the right information
> is collected as part of incubation. Right now you are listed as the 
> contact person for MapBuilder
> if you are content with collecting information for the different 
> committees on your own time then
> we are good to go. If not I would like to see the incubation process 
> help you out here.
> For the committees that are not ready right now, I would like to see 
> some time set aside in your
> project schedule for interaction with the webcomm.
> If you are content with these two things I am happy to vote :-)
> Cheers,
> Jody
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Cameron Shorter

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