[Incubator] Motion: Recommend OpenLayers for Incubation

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Tue Oct 31 15:24:15 EST 2006

Schuyler Erle wrote:
> Hi, Daniel. I appreciate your concerns. However, the discussion and
> planning towards making OpenLayers a cornerstone of other Web client
> projects is precisely why I would like to see the project get into
> incubation sooner than later. My hope is that the OSGeo incubation
> process will help cement collaboration between the interested parties,
> and help flush out any issues that might hinder that collaboration.
> In any event, OSGeo incubation isn't meant to happen overnight, of
> course, and I imagine we can all agree that one of the prerequsites
> for graduation will be some evidence of the "settling" you've inquired
> after.

Thanks for addressing my concerns Schuyler. As I wrote before I do not 
have any objection but I'll leave my vote at +0 to indicate that it 
would be good if things around merging and sharing of APIs settled 
before incubation is completed. This won't prevent the motion for 
OpenLayers to enter incubation from passing anyway with the number of 
+1's that we have seen so far.

Daniel Morissette

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