[Incubator] Transfering Code Copyright - restart

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 17:48:46 EDT 2006

While you are discussing OSGeo ownership of code, I'd like to find out 
if Mapbuilder's proposed ownership of code holds water legally.

This is what is in our LICENSE file:

Mapbuilder source code is copyright (C) 2006 to the following people:
   Name                    Login Id
   ====                    ========
   Cameron Shorter         camerons
   Linda Derezinski        derezinski
   Matthew D. Diez         mattdiez
   Matthew Perry
   Michael Jenik           maiqui
   Mike Adair              madair madair1
   Nedjo Rogers            nedjo
   Pat Cappelaere          cappelaere
   Radim Blazek            rabla
   Raj Singh               rajsingh
   Richard Greenwood       rgreenwood
   Steven M. Ottens        graphrisc steven
   Tom Kralidis            tomkralidis

[LGPL text]

It is the intent of this project that all Mapbuilder developers who
have been given write access to the Mapbuilder code repository and
have contributed to source code in mapbuilder/lib/* may become
copyright owners.

Providing a patch to the mailing list does not give someone the right to
become a copyright owner (primarily because it is too hard to track).

Once someone becomes a copyright owner, they do not loose this status
unless they personally request to be removed from the list of copyright
owners listed in this file.

Arnulf Christl wrote:
> Jody Garnett wrote:
>> Arnulf Christl wrote:
>>> Restart discussion "transferring code copyright" is fine, but we can 
>>> drop the "Contributor Agreement". Correct?
>> Yes.
>>>> A couple meetings ago we wanted to know how to peruse assign (c) of 
>>>> the GeoTools codebase to the OSGEO foundation, my understanding was 
>>>> this had to be taken to the board for direction.
>>>> Has anything come of this, is there a formal process to submit a 
>>>> request to the board? What should we do next.
>>>> Jody
>>> This issue was relayed to legal and is pending. I put it on board 
>>> agenda for a status report and let you know what is going on.
>> Thank you, I am listed on the contact page so you have a short cut to 
>> talk to the geotools community.
>>> Formal process... Hmm. I think its fine if you put it on the board 
>>> meeting agenda yourself:
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Seventeenth_Board_Meeting
>> It did not occur to me to set the agenda, since I am not on the board 
>> I would be more asking someone (like Chris Holmes hint) to place this
>> item on the agenda.
>>> But probably nobody but the board / cabal knows that this kind of 
>>> thing happens every other week. I guess the formal process is to 
>>> holler at the board list until we work out *and* communicate how to 
>>> do it formally.
>> As an example I am not on the board email list so CCing these replies 
>> ensures that they only hear half the conversation :-( Can we assume 
>> that any board member can act as a good contact point (until a formal 
>> process is defined)?
>> Cheers,
>> Jody
> Yes.
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Cameron Shorter

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