[Incubator] Transfering Code Copyright - restart

rich at richsteele.org rich at richsteele.org
Thu Sep 7 17:50:40 EDT 2006

Quoting Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com>:

> Agreed.  That is the review process we already have in place.  For instance
> the GeoTools team has already pretty much completed a review of the GeoTools
> code base.  They have dropped a few items that clearly didn't belong,
> and clarified the status of somethings that seemed questionable.
> However, the working assumption in this type of review is that if
> the code was originally directly provided to GeoTools by it's original
> developer, under the LGPL and labelled as (c) Geotools project, then
> it was intentionally and correctly contributed.

Correct.  I'm merely pointing out that if you want to assign copyright  
(as distinct from merely granting a license under the LGPL), it needs  
to be in a formal writing.


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