[Incubator] Infrastructure Migration

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Sun Sep 24 19:03:56 EDT 2006

Infrastructure plan looks good to me.  One thing I found a bit lacking 
though was the justification for two servers?  It seems like we'd just 
need one for mission critical stuff and then use telascience for the 
other stuff?

>> It is especially good to have the Java stack perspective as I understand
>> people there are generally happy-enough with codehaus/confluence but
>> have related concerns as to CN about ongoing use of a closed-source 
>> platform.
> Well I would just say we are "happy-enough" just to get the job done. 
> The tools we are currently using are *very* closed source
> (jira and confluence), and are not meeting a couple specific needs right 
> now. 
I wouldn't say they are *very* closed source - they give away the source 
cod when you buy a license, and they give licenses to lots of open 
source projects for free.  I'd say they're more open source friendly 
than collabnet is.

I'd be happy to apply for licenses for OSGeo and to try to spend a bit 
of time setting them up if/when we decide to migrate.  Hopefully we'd be 
able to get a common look and feel on them.  So the only requirement 
from there is to be sure the server can run Java, as jira and confluence 
are both written in java.


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