[Incubator] Motion: MapGuide To Graduate Incubation

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Tue Feb 13 13:40:17 EST 2007



Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Folks,
> Ok, pursuant to Daniel's recommendation, and our discussion in the
> meeting, I'm opening a motion on MapGuide graduating.  I'll leave the
> voting open till next Monday February 19th.
> Motion:
>    I move that the Incubation Committee recommend MapGuide to the
>    OSGeo board for graduation from incubation with Bob Bray as project
>    liason to the board.
> Please feel free to comment by email on it's readiness and when you are
> comfortable with a position voting -1, -0, 0, +0, or +1.  Do some research!
> Best regards,

Daniel Morissette

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