[Incubator] GeoNetwork motioned for graduation

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Fri Apr 4 14:02:39 EDT 2008

Incubator list:

I move that we recommend the GeoNetwork project to the OSGeo Board for 
graduation, with Jeroen Ticheler acting as the project representative.

The GeoNetwork project has been diligent in meeting incubation 
requirements. I have been especially pleased to watch the project 
steering committee form and start making decisions in public (including 
the decision to apply for graduation at this time).

The provenance review and incubation status links are here:
- http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoNetwork_Provenance_Review
- http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoNetwork_Incubation_Status

Jody Garnett

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