[Incubator] Ready to start w. deegree?

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Mon Apr 14 22:37:18 EDT 2008

Dr. Markus Lupp wrote:
> Hello all,
> it's now some time since there was some activity concerning deegree's 
> incubation. Did I ever say, that we would be glad, if Jody would take 
> over the role as Mentor for deegree? If not - I am doing it now. :-)
I am willing; I am waiting for FrankW to tell me that the motion for 
GeoNetwork to graduate has been approved.
> Anything else I can do to get the process started?
How is your providence review going :-) And do you have any questions 
about what the incubation process is about?

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