[Incubator] Re: Recommend Geotools for Graduation - please vote before Friday

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Wed Jul 9 03:25:55 EDT 2008

Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Try again (last email bounced) ....
> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> OSGeo Incubation committee,
>> I am delighted to report that the Geotools community have completed an 
>> extraordinary, meticulous effort pushing geotools through incubation 
>> and now have it ready for graduation.
>> I have reviewed all the documentation and am satisfied that it comes 
>> up to scratch and that geotools have addressed the incubation 
>> provenance review criteria.
>> By watching the Geotools community in action, and by the high quality 
>> of their documented Software processes I think that Geotools have 
>> raised the bar for OSGeo graduation criteria.
>> I'm hopeful that we can vote Geotools through incubation before the 
>> OSGeo board meet this Friday 11 July.
>> The key documents for review are:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoTools_Project_Status
>> and
>> http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/GeoTools+Provenance+Review
>> I will be doing a thin slice review of source code headers tomorrow 
>> morning, but don't expect any issues there.
>> Please vote: +1, 0, -1

+1 Arnulf. 

Congratulations on the good work!

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