[Incubator] labs project assigning copyright

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Wed Jun 3 19:23:48 EDT 2009

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

<snip> ...

> In light of this, I would like to suggest the following procedure:
>  o Projects wishing to assign copyright to the foundation should seek the
>    agreement of the current OSGeo Secretary (currently Tyler), who if 
> they
>    are doubtful could seek input from the board.  For project in 
> incubation
>    or full OSGeo projects it should be automatic.
I think we need to include some guidelines on what projects OSGeo will 
accept. Basically, projects can assign copyright to OSGeo if they plan 
to eventually become OSGeo projects and conforming to the OSGeo 
guidelines set out under OSGeo Labs.

I think that OSGeo labs should come under the responsibility of the 
Incubation Committee, but am happy to bend on that point.
>  o Agreements should all be stored in scanned format in the OSGeo SVN.
>    We can give out SVN commit access to one or two representatives of 
> each
>    project so they can actually add the agreements themselves after some
>    vetting.
I don't think we need to be prescriptive about where agreements are 
stored, so long as they are stored somewhere. It may be on OSGeo svn, or 
the project svn, or a wiki or similar.
>  o Tyler should collect existing agreements he has on file, and put them
>    into SVN for safekeeping and transparency.
This would be desirable if not too much effort.
> Tyler - any thoughts?
> Pending feedback, I'd be interested in the incubator recommending this
> procedure to the board for approval and would be willing to prepare such
> a motion.
> Best regards,

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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