[Incubator] OSSIM Incubation - header file modifications

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sun Mar 29 23:15:27 EDT 2009

The LGPL license has a sample header file which is a little bit longer
than that; but what you describe sounds fine.

Indeed you email here addresses the two issues initially raised:
- header file indicating which license the source code is made available under
- license included

There was also some questions about process / visibility. Is their a
revised document for us to review?


On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Mark Lucas <mlucas17 at mac.com> wrote:
> We have written a script and test plan to modify 1308 header files in the
> ossim baseline adding the following lines at the beginning of the file:
> // The OSSIM distribution is licensed under LGPL
> // See the LICENSE.txt in the ossim folder for details
> //
> We have placed this recommendation on the OSSIM mailing list and have not
> received any objections from the OSSIM community.
> Before making the change we would like some feedback from the incubation
> committee that this will address the previously raised comments.
> Are there any additional concerns or actions required to complete the
> incubation process?
> Mark

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