[Incubator] New Application: GeoToolkit

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sat May 23 00:33:31 EDT 2009

>> That said, I don't think that Geotoolkit should be locked out of the
>> graduation process because of the fragmentation, it just makes the criteria
>> to pass graduation harder. Of note, Adrian Custer, from the Geotoolkit
>> branch was a major force completing the Geotools graduation, and knows all
>> too well about the effort involved in the graduation process.
> I do not think Geotoolkit has demonstrated it meets the incubation
> committee's criteria for entering incubation yet, and I think we should
> table its acceptance until it matures as a project.    The only constraint I
> would suggest is once Geotoolkit does mature, the mentor for incubation
> should be someone who doesn't really interact with Geotools to eliminate any
> conflict of interest.

I will also comment that GeoTools PMC have not ruled collaborating
with the GeoToolkit, such details are being worked out currently.

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