[Incubator] OSGeo Labs invitation before FOSS4G
Julien-Samuel Lacroix
jlacroix at mapgears.com
Mon Oct 12 11:22:17 EDT 2009
I'm thinking of inviting people on OSGeo-Discuss to add their Geo-FOSS
projects on the OSGeo Labs page before FOSS4G to build a kind of
directory of all Geo related FOSS projects around.
Ideally all projects presented to FOSS4G could go in the Lab even if
they do not aim to ever enter incubation (They must have a reason). If
we gather enough interest I would like to make a motion to the board to
make this an official OSGeo policy. Something like (this is a very very
short draft):
OSGeo Labs is a directory of all Geo related FOSS projects around. OSGeo
invites everyone to register their projects on the OSGeo Labs page. A
disclaimer on the page should warn people that those projects do not
meet OSGeo "quality" criteria (or whatever superlative the incubation
gives to a project).
I would like to have other opinions on that (and maybe someone to
quickly reread my English-is-not-my-first-language mail).
Something like:
I would like to invite every FOSS4G presenters to register their
projects in the OSGeo Labs page. OSGeo Labs aims to gather together all
geospatial related FOSS projects and give visibility to all FOSS
projects out there. You do not have to aim for OSGeo incubation to
register. Just being a Free and Open Source Software and Geo related is
enough to be added to the OSGeo Labs page.
Please visit the OSGeo Labs page for more information:
Julien-Samuel Lacroix
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