[Incubator] MapFish Incubation application - reactivation

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Tue Oct 27 15:38:38 EDT 2009


That's kind of the feeling I've had in the back of my mind for a while now.  I wonder though, how that type of sediment would translate when something out in the wild becomes better than a OSGEO, "tamed" project.


I think the variety of potential uses of the OSS stack mitigate an approach such as this. It's hard to build a so called quality stack without excluding smaller or obscure projects for example, if you add in specific business types of operations then the problem gets magnified even more.

I'm a rabble-rouser sort of individual and in the past would sit back and guage responses, but here I'm going to suggest tat this type of sediment be moderated to a large degree.  The nature of how OSS comes into being is in many respect oppsed to oderly operations, at least initially, and passing ideas (or operations) over cursorily does not seem to be in the best interests of anyone (or group) deciding to put anything out into the "wild"


>>> Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com> 10/27/09 2:19 PM >>>
Bob Basques wrote:
> It seems to me that these types of discussions should happen after incubation, or at least more near the end of the process.  Or is it a feeling that the sooner the better, or rather once things are set, not much you can do about it, sort of thinking?  
One of the rules of marketing is "the less you write, the more your 
words will be read".
I feel the same about OSGeo projects. We should be focusing on a few 
quality projects rather than a catalog of all projects around. The OSGeo 
brand should be helping implementers select the best of the projects around.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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