[Incubator] Motion: deegree incubation graduation

Rutger Bezema bezema at lat-lon.de
Tue Jan 19 04:19:10 EST 2010

Hi Cameron, 

Cameron Shorter wrote:
> I've changed my vote to +1 for deegree graduation.

Thanks, this is great! (although I didn't know one could alter ones vote ;-) )

> Thanks Rutger for addressing these issues so promptly.
> Your responsiveness is a positive tick in favour of graduation.
> I agree with Franks advice below, with the added suggestion that track  
> the acceptance of committer guidelines in a table or similar somewhere  
> AT THE TIME the committer accepts. (I've had the painful experience of  
> trying to find an acceptance email sent to a list years after the fact).
> Here are a couple of ways of doing this:
> 1. Create a wiki table which links to an email in an email archive where  
> the committer accepts the guidelines.
> 2. Keep a subversion repository where the committer commits a form  
> stating their acceptance. They may be a scanned PDF if so desired, or  
> could be a text document.

We (Markus and I) prefer keeping track of committers in a Wiki page. It
allows for easy updates and maintenance of the accepted (and active)
committers, while being more open to a broader public.  Therefore I
heeded your advice and created a wiki page [1] which will be filled with
acceptance links, after we've written the email to deegree-devel (no one
could accept yet, hence the red crosses).

> Congratulations to the deegree team for reaching this milestone. It is a  
> lot of hard work.

Thanks again, yes the incubation process is a lot of work, but I think
the project will benefit from it.

With kind regards, 

[1] https://wiki.deegree.org/deegreeWiki/RegisteredCommitters
Rutger Bezema

l a t / l o n  GmbH
Aennchenstrasse 19           53177 Bonn, Germany
phone ++49 +228 184960       fax ++49 +228 1849629
http://www.lat-lon.de        http://www.deegree.org
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