[Incubator] Vote to have retirement process become official

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 06:52:20 EST 2010

Thanks Judit, I've incorporated your suggestion.

You can see the latest doc + changes here:

Incubation Committee. I propose that the current Retirement Process 
become an official document.
+1 Cameron Shorter

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Judit Mays wrote:
>> Hello,
>> reading through the proposed retirement process there is one point I
>> find difficult.
>> "# Either the Project's Steering Committee, or OSGeo board decide that
>> the project is no longer viable, or has moved away from OSGeo project
>> principles."
>> I think, this is mixing two different events/cases.
>> * First event: a project is no longer been worked on. Then, the PSC or
>> the OSGeo Board (if the PSC is not willing or able to act any more)
>> should announce the project is not being continued.
>> * Second event: a project is moving away from OSGeo project principles.
>> In this case, OSGeo might want to act in some certain way. But as the
>> project might not intend to abandon further work, I would not want that
>> project to undergo the "retirement process" but rather a "quit OSGeo
>> process" (to be defined by the board).
>> Therefore I suggest to rephrase the above sentence to something like:
>> "# Either the Project's Steering Committee, or OSGeo board (in absence
>> of the former PSC) decide that the project is no longer viable."
>> After all, this is about "guidelines for *gracefully* retiring OSGeo
>> projects".
>> Leave the potential project straying away from OSGeo principles for a
>> separate discussion.
> Judit,
> I agree with this distinction.
> Best regards,

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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