[Incubator] Opticks OSGeo Incubation
Adkins, Dustan
dadkins at ball.com
Mon Apr 30 14:57:48 EDT 2012
It has been awhile since I brought up OSGeo Incubation for Opticks, and
much has changed since it was last discussed at IncCom 15 [1]. I would
like to point out a few of those changes in hopes that we will be
reconsidered for incubation at IncCom 18 [2]:
1. Opticks now has an official board for open decision making [3]
which was elected via community vote [4].
2. Opticks is participating in GSoC 2012 under OSGeo (as we did in
2011) and has accepted 3 student proposals in hopes of attracting long
term contributors [5]. Opticks received 9 of the 34 OSGeo applications,
demonstrating outside interest in the software.
3. We now have a presence on Facebook [6] and Twitter [7], which has
helped us interact with the community.
4. The amount of Opticks website traffic has stayed steady for the
last several months (some of the downloads have increased), again
demonstrating outside interest in the project.
I tried to update the ticket at [8], and it looked like I could only add
comments, which I am assuming is intentional based on [9].
This is quickly becoming a long and rambling email, so I will skip to my
big question: what should I do now to make sure Opticks is reconsidered
for entering incubation at IncCom 18? Add an agenda item to [2]?
[1] http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeo/%23osgeo.2011-11-21.log
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/IncCom_Meeting18
[5] http://www.osgeo.org/node/1276
[6] https://www.facebook.com/opticksproject
[7] https://twitter.com/#!/opticksProject
[8] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/666
[9] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/wiki/TracTickets
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